Concho County, Texas During 1872, James E. Rank and Lockhart, his brother-in-law, moving to New Mexico, reached the head-waters of the main Concho. They were charged by Indians, about three o'clock in the evening, one of their cow-hands killed...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria Copper Breaks State Park Map by Homer Norris The following first-hand account from General L.S. Ross is from the book, Indian Depredations, by J.W. Wilbarger. …On the eighteenth of...
Mills County, Texas About 1869, the Indians killed Hardy, who was traveling on the old Fort Phantom Hill road, perhaps in Mills County. Early in the morning, these same Indians or others were discovered by W.J. Patterson, son of John Patterson, who...
Mills County, Texas During 1863, Mr. and Mrs. Huffstuttler lived on Antelope Creek in Mills Co. in territory then belonging to Lampasas. Mr. Huffstuttler was away and Mrs. Huffstuttler and her son, James, who was about two years old, were done on...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria Story 1 25 September 1864; Ravanna, Kansas: Hoping to "do a little killing," Maj. Gen. James G. Blunt, commander of the Upper Arkansas district, marched out of Fort Larned on...
180/Alternate Route to Weatherford More Stories and Information on Fort Tours Road Trips The homes of the Savage brothers were viciously attacked by Comanches in 1866. Besides two murders, three children were carried off including Sam Savage...
Erath County, Texas During 1867, J.H. Parr and Charlie J. Keith had started for a load of wood. Keith was driving an ox-wagon, and Parr was horseback, and riding in the lead. After riding upon a divide, he saw some Indians, and motioned with his...
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