Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Apacheria 1858 portrait of Olive Oatman from the book, Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, by Jerry Keenan. The following is from the book, Indian Wars, by Bill Yenne. In March, 1851, a small...
Bosque County, Texas Ole T. Nystel, a boy fourteen years of age, lived with his father, T.O. Nystel, on Meridian Creek, about ten miles south of Meridian, when he was made an Indian captive. We will place Mr. Nystel before the microphone, and let...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria Ca. 15 July 1850; Southern Texas: In the summer of 1850 Capt. William A. "Bigfoot" Wallace and his 20 men of the Texas Ranging Company were attached to Capt. William J...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the Mountain Pacific Forts Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section) Battle Rock | Bear Creek | Bear River | Bennan's Prairie | Big Creek/Vinegar Hill | Big Meadows/Big Bend | Birch Creek, ID | Birch...
Part of our in-depth series exploring Sioux Nation Forts Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section) Ash Hollow | Badlands | Bighorn | Bone Pile Creek | Cazeau Wagon Train | Clear Creek | Cottonwood Canyon | Crazy Woman Creek | Crazy Woman's...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria Mackenzie Destroys Comanche Village | Baldwin Attacks Cheyennes at McClellan's Creek, 1874 | Capture of Mo-Way's Village and the Comanche female tribespeople Picture of the Site of...
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Apacheria
Historical Markers Map (Utah)
Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria 29 June 1878; Big Spring, Texas: The Comanche Black Horse took 25 warriors from Fort Sill and rode into Texas. Unable to find any buffalo, the Indians stole several colts from a ranch...
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