Chambers/Visitors Bureaus: For All Counties Below: Baird | Brownwood | Coleman | Cross Plains | Clyde | Early | Santa Anna | Trickham | Valera | Voss | Zephyr Callahan County Uncommemorated Sites from North to South Col. W.J. Wilkinson's Indian...
Chambers/Visitors Bureaus: Coleman | Santa Anna | Trickham | Valera | Voss Uncommemorated Sites from North to South Indian Fight at Hart Ranch | Lt. Best and Others Follow Indians to Nolan County | Murder of McReynolds | Captain J.J. Callan's Men...
Coleman County, Texas During the summer of 1870, Jno. M. Elkins lived in one of the old government buildings at Camp Colorado, in Coleman County. After being two or three times disturbed, he again looked to see if the Indians were stealing a horse...
Coleman County, Texas About 1871, G.K. Elkins, John Hart, James Way, Andy Pruett (African), and perhaps one other, were hunting bear in Coleman County on the head of Jim Ned, and near Tecumseh Peak when about sixteen Indians surrounded them in a...
Coleman County, Texas
The above story is from the book, Rangers and Pioneers of Texas, by A.J. Sowell.
More of the Story
Coleman County, Texas May 11, 1870, A.B. Brown A.J. Herring, Nat, Bill, and Bert Guest, W.A. and Jim Beddoe, Bob Wylie, Ben Barton, Tom Stark, Sammy Coggins, and, perhaps, one two others, took two dogs, belonging to Bill Beddoe and Nat Guest, and...
Brown County, Texas Coleman County, Texas During 1867, after exchanging shots with Indians in the Trickham Community, the Indians went seven miles farther east and appeared at the home of Brooks Lee, who then lived on Clear Creek in Brown County...
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