Palo Pinto County, Texas 337 through Hwy. 4 If you'd like to take a historically significant short cut back to the Metroplex, you can follow Hwy. 4S from Graford into Palo Pinto. This short trip will take you across the Brazos at Rochelle's...
Young County, Texas More Stories and Information on Fort Tours Road Trips Marcy returned to Texas in 1853 and scouted the headwaters of the Brazos. He consulted with Indian Agent/Major Robert S. Neighbors on suitable locations for the Indian...
Take 251 North where you can catch 380 West into the country covered by the Cross Plains Road Trip Map. A short way out you will encounter the marker for the Elm Creek Raid and once you turn south on 283, you'll be just east of Robert E. Lee's old...
Young County, Texas Turn left as you leave Fort Belknap's gates, and head north to catch 380. Head west, continuing along the Texas Fort Trail and the stage route to California, next stop Fort Griffin. However, my road trip follows 380 through...
Young County, Texas Elm Creek Raid The Elm Creek Raid had a black hero, Brit Johnson, whose wife and children, along with other members of the settlement, were taken captive by the Kiowas. He rode alone into Indian territory where he visited Milky...
Young County, Texas Take 16 north to Loving, turn right and go 4.2 miles to the east. You will see a culvert that carries water from Cameron Creek under Highway 114. Just to your south, Lone Wolf scored his revenge coup on the unfortunate Trooper...
Jack County, Texas Jermyn Through Finis Follow 114 east from the site of the Lost Valley Fight. Loving Ranch headquarters is on the left side of the road right before you reach the little community of Jermyn. Turn right on 1191 when you get to...
Wise County, Texas The map above shows 114 (green) heading northwest from D/FW to Bridgeport. Follow 114 (green-dotted route) and continue west from Bridgeport on 380 (the old Butterfield Stage Route) taking the Earhart Station Leg towards Jacksboro...
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