Stephens County, Texas Mike Christeson has been gracious enough to send us the following information and invaluable pictures. Thanks again to Mike and his family. Dear Rick, Your site is great. I am writing about Lish Christesson. I have a lot of...
Stephens County, Texas About 1871, John Carter and Wm. Forbis left the Carter and Love ranches on Big Sandy, about fifteen miles southwest of old Picketville, in Stephens County, for Palo Pinto. These citizens had gone about ten miles due east when...
Stephens County, Texas During the fall or early winter of 1858, Mr. Cassady had a camp on Hubbard Creek, while he was building a log cabin. Late one evening he and his men were out after logs, when they heard a gun fire. When they reached their camp...
Callahan County, Texas
Eastland County, Texas
Shackelford County, Texas
Stephens County, Texas
More Stories and Information on Fort Tours Road Trips
Cross Plains Blood Trail
Stephens County, Texas The following article is by Bill Fairley and was published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Photo Courtesy of the Texas Collection/Baylor University John Robert Baylor, kin to several famous Baylors, had a life marked by...
Stephens County, Texas The author interviewed ten or twelve different people, who lived in Stephens County at the time and immediately following the death of Geo. Bishop. But as it frequently occurs, there was considerable variation in the different...
Stephens County, Texas Those interviewed are somewhat at a variance concerning the manner this Comanche was captured. According to one reliable person, the Indian came to the Mahan Ranch on Deep Creek, near the present city of Moran. Mrs. Mahan, who...
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