
Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Texas Independence Trail Region

Map of Harris County Historic Sites
Markers (click on a topic to jump to that section.)
Armand Bayou Nature Center | Batterson Home, Near Site of Isaac | Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens | Baytown Historical Museum | Burnett Homesite, Matthew | de Zavala Plaza | Dowling, C.S.A., Major Richard William (Dick) | Glassell School of Art | Gulf Coast Railroad Museum | Harris County | Old Harrisburg | Houston City, Republic of Texas | Humble Museum | Jackson, Humphrey | Katy, City of | Mexican Cavalry, Battle of San Jacinto | Pasadena Historical Museum | City of Pasadena | Pioneer Memorial Log House Museum | Prehistoric Indian Campsite | Battle of San Jacinto | Homesite (Point Pleasant) of William Scott | Site of Sunken Confederate Ship | Swearingen, William C. | Terry, Colonel Benjamin Franklin | Texan Capture of Mexican Dispatches | Tomball Museum Center | Wilkinson, Freeman | Wunsche Bros. Saloon and Hotel
Uncommemorated Sites (click on a topic to jump to that section.)
Camp Bee | Camp on the San Jacinto
Civil War Houston

Armand Bayou Nature Center

Museum Name: Armand Bayou Nature Center
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 58828
City: Houston
Zip Code: 77258
Street Address: 8500 Bay Area Blvd
Area Code: 281
Phone: 474-2551
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Natural History, Historical, Local/Pioneer History

Near Site of Isaac Batterson Home

Marker Title: Near Site of Isaac Batterson Home
City: Galena Park
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1969
Marker Location: City Hall, Clinton and Eastway
Marker Text: Famed for its part in winning the War for Texas Independence, the flooring of this house was, on April 19, 1836, appropriated by General Sam Houston to build rafts to ferry his army across rain-swollen Buffalo Bayou. Although 248 soldiers, most of whom were ill, remained at the Batterson place, Houston's army was victorious in the Battle of San Jacinto two days later. This land, originally part of the Ezekiel Thomas Estate, was purchased in 1835 by Batterson. The settlement he started (now Galena Park) he named "Clinton" for his former home in New York.

Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens

Museum Name: The Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6826
City: Houston
Zip Code: 77265
Street Address: One Westcott St
Area Code: 713
Phone: 639-7750
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Art, Local/Pioneer History, Other

Baytown Historical Museum

Museum Name: Baytown Historical Museum
Street Address: 220 W Defee
City: Baytown
Zip Code: 77520
Area Code: 281
Phone: 427-8768
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Other

Matthew Burnett Homesite

Marker Title: Matthew Burnett Homesite
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1993
Marker Location: Telge Park, just east of Telge Rd. on Pleasant Grove St.
Marker Text: Texas army camp - April 16, 1836. Matthew Burnett (1795-1842) and his wife, Sarah (Simmons) (1797-1852), came to Texas from Arkansas in 1831 and settled south of here on Cypress Creek. Their home was near the "Harrisburg Road" which stretched 15 miles northwest to a crossroads at the home of their closest neighbor, Abram Roberts, and, in the other direction, 25 miles southeast to Harrisburg. The interim government of the Republic of Texas stayed here briefly on March 22, 1836, while enroute to establish the Republic's new capital at Harrisburg. The Texas army, 1100 men under the command of Sam Houston, stopped here about dusk on April 16, 1836, after turning southeast at the Robert's crossroads earlier in the day. During their overnight stay they consumed most of Burnett's livestock and grains, and burned fence rails for fuel. The next morning the Texas army departed for Harrisburg. Four days later, on April 21, they routed the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto, winning Texas independence from Mexico. Having fled the area in the episode known as the "Runaway Scrape," the Burnetts returned after learning of the victory at San Jacinto. In the late 1830s and 1840s their home became a prominent landmark and well-known tavern on the road to the city of Houston.

de Zavala Plaza

Marker Title: de Zavala Plaza
Address: San Jacinto Battle Park
City: San Jacinto
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1970
Marker Location: adjacent to the Battleship U.S.S. Texas
Marker Text: Name honors Lorenzo de Zavala, vice president of the Republic of Texas (ad interim, March 17 - Oct. 17, 1836). Born in Yucatan and educated in the seminary of Ildefonso, de Zavala was an ardent liberal who was jailed 1814-1817 for political activities. In prison he learned English and became a medial doctor. In 1821 he was a member of the Cortes in Madrid, Spain, and later was governor of a province of Mexico. After Mexico win independence from Spain, he kept working for democratic reforms. Loyal to the 1824 Constitution of Mexico, he opposed Dictator Santa Anna, and moved to Texas to seek freedom. On March 2, 1836, he signed Texas' Declaration of Independence. Later he signed the Republic of Texas Constitution. Married twice, he had six children. The family honored his memory by keeping alive his ideals after his early death. The Legislature of Texas in 1858 named Zavala County in his honor. Lorenzo de Zavala, many of his descendants, and some of their neighbors and friends were interred in the de Zavala family cemetery, on the plantation across Buffalo Bayou from this site. This plaza is dedicated to the memory of Vice President de Zavala, his family, and others buried in de Zavala Cemetery.

Major Richard William (Dick) Dowling, C.S.A.

Marker Title: Major Richard William (Dick) Dowling, C.S.A.
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1998
Marker Location: site of Dick Dowling statue, Hermann Park, 1700 block MacGregor Dr., Houston.
Marker Text: (January 14, 1837 - September 23, 1867) Born in 1837 near Tuam, County Galway, Ireland, Richard Dowling emigrated to New Orleans in 1846 during the Irish potato famine. In 1857, Dick married Elizabeth Anne Odlum in Houston. By 1860 he had owned 3 bars, installed Houston's first gas lighting in his home and business, and was a charter member of Houston Hook and Ladder company No. 1. During the Civil War, Dick was first lieutenant, Company F, Cook's Regiment, First Texas Heavy Artillery. He was in command at Fort Griffin in 1863. On September 8 he held fast with only 6 cannon and 47 men inside the fort despite reumors of a Federal invasion and orders to retreat. Twenty-seven ships carrying Maj. Gen. William B. Franklin and 5,000 Union troops sailed into Sabine Pass; Dowling and "the Irish Davis Guards" shot so accurately that Franklin's forces surrendered in 45 minutes. The Confederate Congress called the Battle of Sabine Pass "one of the most brilliant ... achievements ... of this war." Discharged as a major in 1865, Dick reopened his most famous bar, "The Bank of Bacchus." In 1866 he formed the first oil company in Houston. By 1867, he owned more than 22 square blocks of downtown Houston and vast lands across Texas. Dick Dowling died of yellow fever at age 30 and is buried in Houston's St. Vincent's Cemetery. (1998) Incise on back:

Glassell School of Art

Museum Name: Glassell School of Art
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6826
City: Houston
Zip Code: 77265 6826
Street Address: 5101 Montrose Blvd
Area Code: 713
Phone: 639-7500
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Science, Art, Military, Aviation, Natural History, Archeology, Interactive, Photos, Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Archives, Other

Gulf Coast Railroad Museum

Museum Name: Gulf Coast Railroad Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 457
City: Houston
Zip Code: 77001-0457
Street Address: 7390 Mesa Drive
Area Code: 713
Phone: 631-6612
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Photos, Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Other

Harris County

Marker Title: Harris County
Address: Old Harris County Courthouse, San Jacinto St.
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1972
Marker Text: Inhabited during the 17th century by Karankawa and Orcoquiza Indians, and considered in 1756 by Spain for site of Presidio de San Agustin de Ahumada, this region was settled permanently in 1822 by the colonists of Stephen F. Austin. In 1824 John R. Harris (1790-1829) received title to 4,428 acres of land in Buffalo Bayou-Braes Bayou Junction area, and started village named for his family for for Harrisburg, Pa., founded by his grandfather. Colonial settlements in the vicinity were Cedar Bayou, Lynchburg, Midway, Morgan's Point, New Kentucky, and Stafford's Point. First step toward local government was taken when Stephen F. Austin and the Baron de Bastrop met (1824) with colonists at the house of William Scott, Midway, to explain colonization laws. Harrisburg, a town by 1826, was one of the original and most influential colonial municipalities, with a major role in Texas War for Independence, which won freedom in 1836. The county of Harrisburg (later Harris) was created Dec. 30, 1836. The capital of the Texas Republic was within its boundaries for several years. In the Civil War, it was a command and ordnance center (1863-65), of Trans-Mississippi Department, Confederate Army. It has since grown into a center for world commerce.

Old Harrisburg

Marker Title: Old Harrisburg
Address: 8100 block of Lawndale at Frio
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: Frost Bank
Marker Text: Early Texas port and trading post. Site of state's first steam saw, grist mills and railroad terminal. Town founded, 1826, by John R. Harris, who was first settler in 1823. Became shipping center for early colonies, established when Texas was part of Mexico, with boats carrying cargo to and from Texas ports and points in the United States and Mexico. Became the seat of government of the Republic of Texas, March 22 - April 13, 1836, when David G. Burnet, President of the ad interim government and several of his cabinet resided near here in the home of Mrs. Jane Harris (site marked), widow of town founder. Here President Burnet adopted the flag for the Texas Navy. In 1835, local resident, Mrs. Sarah Dodson, had made here the first tri-color lone star flag. General Santa Anna attacked the town with 750 Mexican soldiers on April 16 attempting to capture Burnet and his cabinet. The whole town was burned. After Texas gained its independence at nearby San Jacinto, the town was rebuilt and again thrived. The Buffalo, Bayou, Brazos and Colorado, first railroad in Texas began here in 1852 and by the Civil War made the town a Confederate rail center. Became a part of Houston, by annexation, in 1926.

Houston City, Republic of Texas

Marker Title: Houston City, Republic of Texas
Address: Sam Houston Heritage Park
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: 400 block McKinney
Marker Text: By vote of Congress, Nov. 30, 1836, chosen temporary capital for new Republic of Texas. At the time a small townsite at the head of Buffalo Bayou navigation. Into a "Houston City" of mud, tents, cabins on April 1, 1837, came President Sam Houston and his government. Finding its quarters unfinished, Congress postponed its opening session until May 1. The capitol building was a 2-story plantation style house, with columned porches. It was scene of many important Indian treaties, diplomatic negotiations, legislative functions. As no church yet graced the city, it also was used for religious services. That muddy April saw the city hold its first big social event-- the anniversary celebration of the San Jacinto victory, with parade, reception and ball. On Dec. 5, 1837, some war heroes and other leaders founded in the capital the Texas Philosophical Society, the Republic's first learned organization. In a powdered wig, and dressed to resemble George Washington, President Houston made a 3-hour farewell address, after which Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was inaugurated his successor on Dec. 10, 1838. In 1839, removed to Austin, the capital returned here, but only briefly, 1842, in Mexican invasion.

Humble Museum

Museum Name: Humble Museum
Mailing Address: 219 Main
City: Humble
Zip Code: 77338
Street Address: 219 Main
Area Code: 281
Phone: 446-2130
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Photos, Local/Pioneer History

Humphrey Jackson

Marker Title: Humphrey Jackson
City: Crosby
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1982
Marker Location: on Old US 90 (Business) about .5 mi. west of Crosby-Lynchburg Rd. (FM 2100) about 1 mi. SW of Crosby.
Marker Text: (November 24, 1784 - January 18, 1833) Educated in law, Humphrey Jackson left his native Ireland in 1808, during a period of political conflict. He migrated to the United States and settled on a sugar plantation in Louisiana. While there he served in the 1815 Battle of New Orleans. Unable to manage his plantation without the use of slavery, which he opposed, Jackson sold his land and came to Texas in 1823 to join Stephen F. Austin's colony. Not realizing he was locating outside the colony's boundaries, he settled on land at this site. when the error was discovered, he joined other area settlers in successfully petitioning the Mexican government to form the San Jacinto District under control of the Austin colony. Jackson was elected to serve as alcalde of the new district. One of the pioneer settlers in present Harris County, Jackson was active in the early local government. His efforts on behalf of the surrounding settlement and his ability to mediate disputes impartially led to further development of the area. In 1833 Jackson was killed by a falling tree while clearing his land. Twice married, he was the father of four children. His descendants include prominent business, professional and political leaders.

City of Katy

Marker Title: The City of Katy
Address: 5200 Second Ave.
City: Katy
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1978
Marker Text: Karankawa Indians hunted buffalo on this site as late as the 1820s. Present Fifth Street follows the course of the San Felipe Road, which was opened to Austin's colony in that decade. In 1836 Santa Anna used that road in his march toward San Jacinto. This site was in the 1839 land grant of Republic of Texas citizen James J. Crawford. In 1863 at their camp on San Felipe Road, 35 Confederate soldiers died and were buried in the locality. Cane Island, the original settlement, was known as a stagecoach stop. Developers platted Katy townsite after Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad ("The Katy Line") reached this point in 1895. The post office opened Jan. 23, 1896, in the postmaster's mercantile store. In 1897, William Eule grew a rice crop, initiating the locality's major industry. Eule's son Fred dug an irrigation well for the rice fields in 1899. The 1900 hurricane razed or damaged all improvements except two houses in Katy, but the town was soon rebuilt. Beginning in 1927, nearby petroleum developments enhanced the local economy. Incorporated n 1945, the town had 849 people in 1950 and 3800 by 1970. It is a tri-county municipality, lying in Fort Bend, Harris, and Waller counties.

Mexican Cavalry, Battle of San Jacinto

Marker Title: Mexican Cavalry, Battle of San Jacinto
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: San Jacinto State Park, SH 134
Marker Text: The Mexican Cavalry was on the left wing, Infantry and Artillery in the center behind a fortification of boxes and baggage, while the extreme right was far extended.

Pasadena Historical Museum

Museum Name: Pasadena Historical Museum
Street Address: 201 Vince Street
City: Pasadena
Zip Code: 77506
Area Code: 713
Phone: 477-7237
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Local/Pioneer History, Other

City of Pasadena

Marker Title: City of Pasadena
City: Pasadena
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1967
Marker Location: in front of Pasadena Historical Museum, eastbound access road of S 225 in Memorial Park.
Marker Text: This area has progressed from Indian territory to pioneer ranch land to space-age Pasadena. Known at one time for its strawberry patches, it is now acclaimed for its oil and chemical industries. The Vince brothers members of Stephen F. Austin's original 300 settlers, developed area as ranch land. The armies of both Sam Houston and Santa Anna traveled through what is now Pasadena in 1836, to San Jacinto to decide the future of Texas. "Deaf" Smith destroyed a bridge on the Vice ranch to block possible escape by the Mexican army. After the brief battle, Santa Anna eluded the victorious Texas army on a horse stolen from Allen Vince. He was captured approximately one mile from this marker. Site of the bridge and capture may be seen by following signs to the north. In 1850, surveyors of the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad called the area "Land of Flowers." Col. J. H. Burnet, a land developer from Galveston, founded Pasadena in 1895. He said, "Pasadena will be the hub of a vast rich agricultural area." The area fully justified his vision, for by 1908, "delicious strawberries, figs, oranges and vegetables" were the boast of Pasadena. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967

Pioneer Memorial Log House Museum

Museum Name: Pioneer Memorial Log House Museum
Mailing Address: 1510 N MacGregor Way
City: Houston
Zip Code: 77030
Area Code: 713
Phone: 522-0396
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Other

Prehistoric Indian Campsite

Marker Title: Prehistoric Indian Campsite
City: Seabrook
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1988
Marker Location: Pine Gully Park, off Todville Rd.
Marker Text: In this vicinity are the remains of a prehistoric Indian refuse pile, comprised mainly of clam shells. Archeologists call such sites "shell middens." They are the result of centuries of shellfish harvesting by early Indian groups. shells found at this site have been identified as belonging to the rangia cuneata (common rangia) clam, a species once found in abundant numbers in Galveston Bay. As the shell midden grew in size over the years, it became the foundation for a large Indian campsite. Stone tools and pottery uncovered here are evidence of the later occupation. Although the tribal origins of the Indians cannot be determined, it is known that both Orcoquisac and Karankawa once lived in the area in historic times. Shell middens similar to this one were once more common along the streams feeding into the bay. Storms, subsidence, and natural erosion, however, have destroyed many, as have mining operations that used the shells for road construction projects. As a result, this is one of the best remaining examples of a prehistoric midden and campsite in Harris County. Because of its significance, the site has been afforded special protection as a State Archeological Landmark.

Battle of San Jacinto

Marker Title: Battle of San Jacinto
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1964
Marker Location: take the LaPorte Fwy. (SH 225) east to Battleground Rd. Exit (SH 134), go north; marker is on west side of road.
Marker Text: At mid-afternoon April 21, 1836, two miles to the north, General Sam Houston with about 1,000 Texans in 18 minutes annihilated the 1,400-man army of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, President of Mexico. Screened by trees and rising ground, Houston's men formed with Edward Burleson's regiment at center, Sidney Sherman's on the left wing, artillery under George W. Hockley on Burleson's right, the infantry under Henry Millard on the right of the artillery. Under M. B. Lamar, a future president of Texas, the cavalry took the extreme right, to cut off possible flight of Mexican troops. Their 4-piece band playing a popular love song, "Will You Come to the Bower," the Texans attacked at a run, crying, "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad! "Such was their fury that 630 of the enemy were killed, 730 captured. enemy lead shattered Gen. Houston's ankle, but he lost only 9 men killed or mortally wounded and 30 wounded less seriously. San Jacinto stands as one of the world's greatest victories It gave Texas independence, and with her annexation 9 years later brought into the Union all or parts of Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming.

Homesite (Point Pleasant) of William Scott

Marker Title: Homesite (Point Pleasant) of William Scott
Address: 500 Bayway Dr.
City: Baytown
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1990
Marker Text: A native of Virginia, William Scott (1784-1837) was a planter, merchant, and stockraiser in his native state and in Kentucky, where he relocated about 1806. He and his family moved briefly to Louisiana in the early 1820s before coming to Texas with Stephen F. Austin's "Old Three Hundred" colonists in 1824. He received a headright grant of land at this site on the east bank of the San Jacinto River and named the home he built here Point Pleasant. A great supporter of Texas independence from Mexico, Scott served in 1835 as captain of the Lynchburg Volunteers, a local militia company. Point Pleasant was a stopping place for many revolutionary-era pioneers, including Lorenzo de Zavala, first vice-president of the Republic of texas; and Emily Austin Bryan Perry, sister of Stephen F. Austin. Married in Virginia to the former Mary Hanna, Scott was the father of five children. Following his death in 1837 and Mary's death in 1840, Point Pleasant was inherited by their daughter, Sarah Scott Williams. After her death in 1860 the property was sold out of the family. Point Pleasant is believed to have been destroyed by a hurricane sometime after the Civil War.

Site of Sunken Confederate Ship

Marker Title: Site of Sunken Confederate Ship
Address: Travis and Commerce
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1970
Marker Text: In late 1862 and early 1863, during the Civil War, the Federal blockade of Galveston reached its peak. Confederate ships bearing vital goods could get to the main supply depots and arsenals at Houston only by slipping around wary Federal patrols. One ship, believed to have been the "Augusta," had arrived safely in Houston when it sprang a severe leak. Although it was quickly towed to the Milam Street landing, it sank before it could be unloaded. Then, inexplicably, the Confederates abandoned it. For years afterward, when the bayou water level was low, the ship would reappear, and divers were able to recover many relics. About 1910, however, due to unknown causes, the ship was blown up and its remains sank slowly into the bayou silt. In 1968 the Southwestern Historical Exploration Society determined to retrieve artifacts from the ship. At 8 a.m., July 20, an 80-ton dragline atop the Milam Street Bridge began dredging several feet of mud, and at 2:30 p.m. an aged cannon ball dropped out of the dragline "clamshell." Subsequently musket balls, bayonets, coins, square nails, chest locks, and numerous pistol balls were raised-- slightly over a century from the date that they sank.

William C. Swearingen

Marker Title: William C. Swearingen
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: Founders Memorial Park, 1217 W. Dallas Ave.
Marker Text: Born in Kentucky. Arrived at Velasco, January 28, 1836 on the schooner Pennsylvania to fight for the freedom of Texas. A member of Captain Amasa Turner's company at San Jacinto. Died in Houston, December 24, 1839." Kill William for me and tell him Pappy will be there in the fall and stay with him and that he must be a good boy." From a letter Mr. Swearingen wrote to his parents in Kentucky.

Colonel Benjamin Franklin Terry

Marker Title: Colonel Benjamin Franklin Terry
City: Houston
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1963
Marker Location: Glenwood Cemetery, 2525 Washington, adjacent to main office.
Marker Text: (February 18, 1821 - December 17, 1861) Star and Wreath Fort Bend County planter. Member Secession Convention, 1861. Sent to Virginia hoping to fight for South in first battle of war. Cited for valuable volunteer service First Manassas. Raised cavalry regiment that attained renown as Terry's Texas Rangers. Accepted his commission only after his men elected him colonel. Killed at Woodsonville, Kentucky while leading unit's first charge. His loyal Rangers carried his name until end of war. Terry County named in his honor. In this plot also rest: Mrs. B. F. Terry, Mrs. Cornelia Terry Thatcher (daughter) and infant, two Terry children.

Texan Capture of Mexican Dispatches

Marker Title: Texan Capture of Mexican Dispatches (San Jacinto)
Address: Bellaire Blvd. at Second St.
City: Bellaire
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1989
Marker Text: The San Jacinto campaign in southwest Harris County. After the fall of the Alamo on March 6, 1836, Gen. Sam Houston led the Texan army in retreat from Gonzales. The Mexican army under Gen. Santa Anna followed eastward from San Antonio. On April 14, while Houston's army was north of him, Santa Anna led a division of his army from the Brazos River near present Richmond to Harrisburg. He crossed present southwest Harris County, then an uninhabited prairie, and reached Harrisburg (12 miles east of this site) on April 15. The Mexicans burned Harrisburg on April 17 and continued marching east. Houston's army, arriving at Buffalo Bayou opposite Harrisburg on April 18, found the town in ruins, but did not know the whereabouts of the Mexican army. That day, Texan scouts led by Erastus "Deaf" Smith captured thee Mexicans, including Capt. Miguel Bachiller, a courier, and a guide in this vicinity. The prisoners and their dispatches revealed the location, size, and plans of the Mexican army. With this vital intelligence, Houston intercepted Santa Anna's March on april 20 and defeated his division with a surprise attack on April 21 at the San Jacinto River. The Battle of San Jacinto ended the Texas Revolution and secured the independent Republic of Texas. Sponsored by the Bellaire Historical Society

Tomball Museum Center

Museum Name: Tomball Museum Center
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 457
City: Tomball
Zip Code: 77377
Street Address: 510 N Pine
Area Code: 281
Phone: 255-2148
County: Harris
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Photos, Historical, Local/Pioneer History

Freeman Wilkinson

Marker Title: Freeman Wilkinson
City: San Jacinto
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: cemetery in San Jacinto Battle Site Park
Marker Text: A member of Captain Thomas H. McIntire's company at San Jacinto. Died at Lynchburg in 1839 and was buried near his comrades who fell in battle.

Wunsche Bros. Saloon and Hotel

Marker Title: Wunsche Bros. Saloon and Hotel
Address: 103 Midway
City: Spring
County: Harris
Year Marker Erected: 1984
Marker Location: next to railroad tracks
Marker Text: This building was constructed in 1902 by one of Spring's earliest families, the Wunsches, who came here from Germany in 1846. Built to accommodate railroad workers, the Wunsche Bros. Saloon and Hotel, later known as the Spring Cafe, has served as a community gathering place throughout its history. The structure, which exhibits typical turn-of-the-century commercial detailing, is Spring's oldest existing commercial building on its original site. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1984

Camp Bee

The Second Texas Infantry, a Confederate regiment organized in Galveston in 1861, was moved to Camp Bee in the Houston area for training. Little is known of Camp Bee. It remained in existence only until after the war. There is no history of the camp after that era.

Camp on the San Jacinto

San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Park, the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, is located along the San Jacinto River off of I-10 east of Houston. This is the battle where Sam Houston reminded his men of the fall of Goliad and the Alamo. As the battle began and the forces ran forward, they cried, "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!"

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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