
Western NW Arkansas Historical Markers

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Part of our series on Northwestern Arkansas Historical Markers

Map of Western NW Arkansas Historical Markers

Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section)
Battle of Maysville | Camp Walker | Cane Hill Cemetery | Cane Hill marker | Elm Springs | Old Stage Coach Road | Pea Ridge National Military Park | Elkhorn Tavern | Pott's Hill marker | Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park | War Eagle Mills | Will Rogers | Bentonville Area | Fayetteville Area
Also see: Confederate Northwest Arkansas


Battle of Maysville

Occurred on October 22, 1862. While Gen. James G. Blunt was encamped on the old Pea Ridge battlefield, word came that Gen. Douglas H. Cooper and Col. Stand Watie's Indian Regiment were at old Fort Wayne, across the line from Maysville. On October 20 he advanced his 2nd and 3rd brigades to Bentonville. On October 21 they moved toward Maysville. Crossing the prairie they found the Confederates lined up on the edge of some tuber a quarter mile from the town. Before his superior force they retreated in disorder followed by the 6th Kansas Cavalry arms, the 3rd Cherokee Regiment for seven miles. This battle was about 6 months after the Battle of Pea Ridge. Benton County, Maysville, NW corner of AR 43 and 72

Camp Walker

The camp was established in June of 1861 by Brigadier General Bart Pearce to train recruits from the Indian Territory and western Arkansas. The training ground covered about 2 square miles. The historical marker is located near the officer's quarters on the ridge next to an old rocked up well used by them. Many Arkansas units, Greer's Texas regiment, and Hebert's 3rd Louisiana all trained here and went from this camp to Camp Stephens before participating in the battle at Wilson's Creek. Located 3 miles east of Maysville in Benton County on Highway 72. It is marked by a historical marker

Cane Hill Cemetery

Contains the graves of some of Cane Hill's Civil War fatalities. South of County Road 13 on County Road 440

Cane Hill Marker

Site of a Nov. 28, 1862, engagement between Confederate cavalry and Union forces, preliminary to the Battle of Prairie Grove. Arkansas 45 at Cane Hill

Elm Springs

The encampment of Van Dorn's Army before the battle of Elkhorn Tavern (Pea Ridge). A half block west across the street is the big spring that gave the town its name. Tents of the 16th Arkansas Infantry covered the campus of the Academy to the east near the head of Brush Creek during the winter of 1861-62. Dr. M. D. Steele's log house was headquarters. James H. Berry, later governor of Arkansas, was a lieutenant with this regiment. Here March 5, 1862, just before the battle of Pea Ridge, Gen. Van Dorn's army spent the night. Early morning found them heading toward Bentonville. Benton County, Elm Springs, about 4 miles north of Tonitown on Hwy 112.

Old Stage Coach Road

This Old Road was part of the first Overland Mail Route, St. Louis to San Francisco. First trip was 1858, last was in 1861. Longest, Greatest and Best conducted Stage and Mail Route of the World, 295 miles. Service twice weekly, fare $200, time 25 days. 140 stations en route for exchange of horses and passengers. Services was ended by Civil War. It was important to the opening of the West. Benton County, Near Elkhorn Tavern, Pea Ridge Nation

Pea Ridge National Military Park

Site of the March 7-8, 1862, Civil War battle, the biggest one west of the Mississippi River. U.S. 62 east of Pea Ridge

Elkhorn Tavern

Elkhorn Tavern was one of the largest battles to take place west of the Mississippi, and the most important in Arkansas. General Earl Van Dorn forced marched his 16,000 men out of winter camp through treacherous terrain and blizzard conditions into the rear of the encamped Union army, leaving most of their supply train out of range. Before a decisive blow could be struck Union forces changed their facing to meet the attack. Van Dorn unwisely split his army in the face of the enemy and the right wing of his army fell apart when the three ranking officers were killed. This spelled doom for the Army of the West. After fierce fighting Confederate ammunition ran low and the army was forced to leave the enemy in control of the field. This battle ended any hope of retaining Missouri for the Confederacy. Van Dorn abandoned the State soon after. The battlefield is well preserved and can be viewed via a driving tour. The visitors center and museum overlooks the battlefield. Located in Pea Ridge National Military Park, Benton County.

Pott's Hill Marker

Site of skirmishing on Feb. 17, 1862, as federal troops pushed across the Missouri border into Arkansas in the campaign that would culminate in the Battle of Pea Ridge. North Old Wire Road at the Missouri state line, north of Pea Ridge National Military Park

Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park

This battle was fought on December 7, 1862. The battle began with a two-hour artillery barrage by Federal troops against the Confederates on the high ground. The Federal commander thought the Confederates were finished and ordered a small force forward. The attacking Federals were overwhelmed as they climbed the hill. The Southern troops saw their chance and pressed the attack. As the attack got under way Federal reinforcements under General Blunt arrived on the scene, having "marched to the sound of the guns". Confederate forces were forced to withdraw in order. Combined dead was approximately 2500 in this brutal fight. The main part of the battlefield is now a State park, efforts are underway to acquire more land at this time. Located in Washington County. U.S. 62 at Prairie Grove

War Eagle Mills

Sylvanus Blackburn, a Tennessee native who arrived at the War Eagle River in 1832 by ox-drawn wagon found it pleasing enough to establish his 160 acre homestead upon its banks. By 1838 the Blackburns had prospered sufficiently to build a grist mill, blacksmith shop, saw mill and carpentry business.

When Civil War was declared, all five of Blackburn's sons joined the Confederate Army. Sylvanus took his wife, Catherine, and older members of the family to Texas for safety during the war. Their vacated home was taken over by Confederate forces and served for a time as headquarters for a Confederate general. Two days before the battle of Pea Ridge, the grist mill, which Sylvanus had rebuilt after it was lost to a flood in 1848, was burned by Confederate forces to prevent it falling into Union hands. Located in Rogers

Will Rogers
Bentonville Area Markers
Camp Stevens

Location of Confederate and Union encampments at different times in 1861 and Dunagin's Farm marker, Old Wire Road, north of Avoca. Site of a brief engagement on Feb. 17, 1862, as Confederate troops fought a delaying action against the Union army that had just crossed into Arkansas. Sugar Creek Road at Arkansas 72, northeast of Bentonville

Bentonville Confederate Monument

Courthouse square in Bentonville

Eagle Hotel

On the morning of March 6, 1862 Gen. Franz Sigel was eating his breakfast t the Eagle Hotel which stood on this site. He had remained here with 600 men and a battery of six pieces after the main Column of his army had passed through Bentonville on its way to the camp on Sugar Creek. Confederate troops under Gen. Van Dorn surprised him and forced a hasty retreat. In 1887 Sigel returned to retrace his route and remarked that he had come back to finish his breakfast. The hotel was gutted by fire and later restored by Sam Walton of WalMart. The lobby is not the Bentonville Library. Benton County, one block west of Square Bentonville

McKissick's Spring

A block south and a block west of this marker, set on McKissick land, is the spring. Here March 5, 1862 the First and Second Divisions of the Federal Army were encamped. Gen. Franz Sigel southeast on Cooper's Farm; Col. Peter J. Osterhaus one mile south on John A. Field's farms and Gen. Alexander Asboth at the spring. At 2 a.m. March 6, they began the march through Bentonville to Camp Halleck on Little Sugar Creek to consolidate the Army under Gen. Samuel R. Curtis for the Battle of Pea Ridge. Benton County, one block south and one block west City Hall in Centerton

Fayetteville Area Markers
Butterfield Stage

This tablet marks a part of the Butterfield Stage Route from St. Louis to San Francisco 1857 to 1860. Washington County Courthouse Lawn, Fayetteville

Confederate Cemetery

Contains the graves of Confederates killed in the battles of Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove. The Southern Memorial Association of Washington County established this cemetery in 1872. Confederate dead were removed from area battlefields at the association's expense and moved to this location. Rock Street on the East Mountain in Fayetteville

The Headquarters House

Federal Colonel M. LaRue Harrison's headquarters during a Confederate cavalry raid on April 18. 118 E. Dickson Street in Fayetteville

National Cemetery

Contains the graves of casualties in the battles of Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, Cane Hill and other engagements in the area. 700 Government Ave. in Fayetteville

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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