
Oakley Community

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Fort Wallace
Points of Interest

The Fick Fossil and History Museum features Cretaceous Period fossils from the personal collection of Earnest and Vi Fick. The museum also has many fossils found by the Sternbergs, who did extensive digs in the area. The majority of our pieces were collected within a fifty mile radius of Oakley. As part of our permanent collection, we have over 11,000 sharks teeth, a complete Portheus Molossus, specimens of Pteranodon, Plesiosaurus, Mosasaurs, and many others representative of the Cretaceous Period. We have several specimens of Crinoid and Horn Corral available. Mammalian history is equally represented with specimens of hoofed mammals and the Oligocene Rhinoceros. Fossils of plant life are on permanent display. The mineral and rock collection is quite extensive. Archeological pieces are also on display.

The Folkart Collection includes pieces created with fossils, rocks, and paper mache by Vi Fick. This collection is unique to the Fick Fossil and History Museum. Wood carvings made by Vi Fick are also part of the permanent collection. Other items of interest are our Kansas Wildflower Collection, replica depot, and a early 1900's General Store with many fascinating items on display. We also have a Sod House within the museum for your viewing. Other items relating to the historical significance of the area are on display.

Annual Events

18th Annual Consumer Extravaganza, Logan County 4-H Building & Dick Farmer Arena.

Butterfield Trail Ride, Dance & Rodeo, 1st weekend in June annually in Russell Springs. Horses, covered wagons, horse drawn carts and walkers hit the Butterfield trail. Other highlights include a rodeo and dance.

Picnic-In-The-Park, City Hall Park - 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 209 Hudson. Live local entertainment and local food vendors.

July 4th Celebration, Fireworks display held at the Fairgrounds.
Logan County Free Fair

Grandstand entertainment nightly, Christian Concert, KPRA Rodeo, Demo Derby and Truck & Tractor Pull "home owned carnival" operating every night.

Northwest Kansas High School Rodeo, Logan County Fairgrounds

Old Settlers Day & Cow Chip Throwing Contest, Labor Day weekend in Russell Springs Celebration highlights include State Cow Chip Throwing Contest,Old Settlers Day Parade and carry-in lunch at the old school building.

Kansas State Cornhusking Contest, 32nd Annual Kansas State Cornhusking contest. Old fashioned cornhusking competition.

Heritage FCE Arts & Craft Fair, Held in conjunction with the Cornhusking - 4H Building. A large variety of arts and crafts items.

Pheasant Season, Pheasant hunting season begins the 2nd Saturday in November thru January.

13th Annual Fabulous Christmas Light Parade, Friday after Thanksgiving November 28th, downtown, sponsored by the Oakley Area Chamber of Commerce. This unique parade sparkles with floats and entries all decked out with Christmas lights. Simply Beautiful! Fourth Annual Pancake and Sausage Feed held at the VFW. Santa comes to town.

VFW Arts & Crafts Show, 1st weekend in Dec. VFW building downtown Oakley.


Motels & Hotels

1st Travel Inn, 785-672-3226, 708 Center
Annie Oakley Motel, 785-672-3223, 428 Center
Free Breakfast Inn, 785-672-3141, I-70 & HWY 83 Junction (Exit 70)
Best Western Golden Plains Motel, 785-672-3254, Hwy US-40
First Interstate Inn, 785-672-3203 • 800-462-4667, I-70 & US-40
Kansas Kountry Inn & Campground, 785-672-3131 • 888-315-2378
3538 US-40

RVs & Campgrounds

High Plains Camping, 785-672-3538, Hwy. 83 & I-70
Kansas Kountry Inn & Campground, 785-672-3131 • 888-315-2378
3538 US-40

Bed & Breakfast/Hunting Lodges

Hackberry Creek Hunting Lodge, 785-672-4966 • 866-444-4966,
3514 Apache Acre


Colonial Steak House, 672-4720, I-70 & Hwy 83
Dairy King, 672-4127, Hwy 83
Daylight Donut Shop, 672-4417, 112 Center
Don's Drive-In, 672-6735, Hwy 83 & 40
El Ranchito, 672-3731, Monument
Oakley's IGA Deli, 672-3206, 127 Converse
Mitten's Cafe, 672-3565, East Hwy 40
Oakley Country Club, 672-3081, W. 2nd
Pizza Hut, 672-3108, 514 S. Freeman
Scott's Bluff, 672-8892, 210 S. Freeman
Elly's Fine Dining, 672-8892, 210 S. Freeman
Buffalo Bills, 672-2598, 207 Center
1st Travel Inn Restaurant, 672-4757, 704 Center

Communities and Related Links
Oakley, Kansas Web Site
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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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