
Brooks County Historical Markers

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Map of Brooks County Historic Sites

Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section).
Brooks County | Brooks County Courthouse | Brooks, James Abijah | El Encino del Poso (The Oak in the Hole) | Town of Flowella | Heritage Museum | Jaramillo, Don Pedro (1829-1907) | Site of Los Olmos
Brooks County

Marker Title: Brooks County
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: from Falfurrias take US 281 south about 10 miles.
Marker Text: Formed from Hidalgo, Starr and Zapata counties, created March 11, 1911; organized September 2, 1911. Named in honor of James Abijah Brooks, Captain of Texas Rangers, 1882-1906, member of Texas Legislature, County Judge, Brooks County since 1911; Falfurrias, the County Seat.

Brooks County Courthouse

Marker Title: Brooks County Courthouse
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1977
Marker Location: US 281, Falfurrias
Marker Text: Created in 1911, Brooks County was named for State Legislator James A. Brooks (1855-1944), who served as the first county judge. Edward C. Lasater, founder of Falfurrias, deeded this courthouse site to the Commissioners Court. County offices occupied rented quarters before construction of this edifice in 1914. The brick courthouse was designed by San Antonio architect Alfred Giles (1853-1920), who planned numerous public buildings in Texas and Northern Mexico. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1977

James Abijah Brooks

Marker Title: James Abijah Brooks
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1969
Marker Location: Falfurrias Cemetery, West Travis Street between Highway 281 and W. Negri Street, Falfurrias.
Marker Text: (Nov. 20, 1855 - Jan. 15, 1944) Illustrious Texas Ranger for whom this county is named. Born in Kentucky; came to Texas 1876; became rancher-trail driver. Served in Texas Rangers 1882-1906. By order of the governor, aided in preventing Fitzsimmons-Maher World Title Prize Fight, El Paso, 1896. Helped solve and halt South Texas cattle thefts. Served in Texas Legislature, 1909-1911; was County Judge of Brooks County, 1911-1939. Married Virginia Wilborn.

El Encino del Poso (The Oak in the Hole)

Marker Title: El Encino del Poso (The Oak in the Hole)
City: Encino
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1986
Marker Location: from Encino, take OS 281 bus. south about one mile.
Marker Text: In this vicinity once stood a magnificent live oak tree that was an early landmark on the South Texas Plains for many years. Noted for its size and its wide canopy, it was located in a large hollow created by livestock that gathered beneath its branches and by winds that eroded the exposed soil. El Encino del Poso was a landmark for early trails and land grants. It also served as the location of a stagecoach station and as the basis for naming Encino (1 mi. N). The tree died in the 1890s, before the formation of Brooks County, the victim of an extended drought.

Town of Flowella

Marker Title: Town of Flowella
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1973
Marker Location: from Falfurrias, take SH 285 south about 4.2 miles.
Marker Text: On 1831 "Loma Blanca" Grant and 1873 land of Perez Family, who in 1898 sold "Parrita" (Little Grape Vine) to Mrs. King of King Ranch. Flowella was founded 1909 by E.O. Burton and A.H. Danforth as trade town for a projected farm colony, and named for a flowing well in middle of townsite. The Calahan Family opened hotel in 1909, store and post office, 1910. School building, also erected in 1910, provided a social-cultural center for some 100 residents. In adverse seasons, closings began: the store, 1911; hotel, 1915; post office, 1923; school, 1928. None of the original buildings remain.

Heritage Museum

Museum Name: Heritage Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 86
Street Address: 403 N St. Mary's
City: Falfurrias
Zip Code: 78355
Area Code: 512
Phone: 325-2907
County: Brooks

Don Pedro Jaramillo (1829-1907)

Marker Title: Don Pedro Jaramillo (1829-1907)
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1971
Marker Location: from Falfurrias, take SH 281 north about 1 mile, then FM 1418 east/northeast about 2 miles, then south about .5 mile
Marker Text: Called "The Healer of Los Olmos". Born in Jalisco, Mexico. Said to have been cured through faith, then given the gift of healing in a vision. He came to Los Olmos Ranch in 1881. Many came to him because, unlike other faith healers, he claimed no power of his own, but said that God's healing was released through faith. He made no charges. Patients gave or withheld as they chose. But whatever was given voluntarily he often gave to the poor-- food as well as remedies. He traveled widely to visit the sick. Hundreds gave testimonials of their healings. Llamado "El Curandero de los Olmos". Nacio en Jalisco, Mexico. Se dice que fue curado por la fe, despues recibio el don de curar en una vision. Vino al Ranch de los Olmos en 1881. Muchos venian a el porque, no como otros curanderos, el no reclamaba su propio poder sino decia que el curamiento de Dios era obtenido por la fe. No cobraba. Los pacientes pagaban si querian. Pero lo que se la daba voluntaria--mente, acostumbraba darselo a los pobres--comida tanto como remedios. Viajo extensivamente visitando a los enfermos. Cientos han dado testimonios de sus curamientos.

Site of Los Olmos

Marker Title: Site of Los Olmos
City: Falfurrias
County: Brooks
Year Marker Erected: 1976
Marker Location: from Falfurrias, take SH 287 N 1 mile, then go E/NE about 2 miles on FM 1418.
Marker Text: The first permanent settlement in Brooks County, Los Olmos was located at the southwest corner of El Paisano Land Grant, given to Ramon de la Garza about 1830 by the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. Situated near the main route to the Rio Grande, the village served a region settled originally by ranchers from Northern Mexico. By 1880, it had a post office, stores, and a school, which operated until 1945. The schoolhouse was the site of services conducted by traveling priests. As the town of Falfurrias grew, Los Olmos began to decline. Descendants of its founders still reside in this area.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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