
Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Texas Hill Country Trail Region

Numbers 18-21
21-Big Foot Wallace Museum | 21-Brummett Cemetery | 19-Frio County | 19-Frio Pioneer Jail Museum | 20-Moore Cemetery | 18-Texas Ranger Camp | 21-Wallace, William Alexander A.
Uncommemorated and Unmapped Sites
Tom Malone

Southern Texas Map

18-Texas Ranger Camp

Marker Title: A Texas Ranger Camp
City: Frio Town
County: Frio
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: 3 mi. SW of Frio town
Marker Text: Was maintained on this site from about December 1, 1876 to April 1, 1877 by Captain Neal Coldwell's company, the escort of Major John B. Jones, commander of the Frontier Battalion.

19-Frio County

Marker Title: Frio County
Address: Hwy. 81
City: Pearsall
County: Frio
Year Marker Erected: 1968
Marker Location: County courthouse lawn
Marker Text: (Created 1858, Organized 1871) Home of Pachal Indians before Spaniards arrived in Mexico (1519). First area explorer was Alonso de Leon, 1690, searching for Fort St. Louis founded by La Salle. Upper Presidio Road--artery of travel from Saltillo, Mexico, to East Texas--crossed Frio River and became a King's Highway , 1720. Frio Town, first county seat, was located on the road, over which Santa Anna marched to destroy defenders of the Alamo in 1836. County took name from Frio (a Spanish word which means "cold") River. The county seat moved to Pearsall, 1883. Jail, built 1884, is the oldest building in town.

19-Frio Pioneer Jail Museum

Museum Name: Frio Pioneer Jail Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box X
Street Address: 410 E Pecan
City: Pearsall
Zip Code: 78061
Area Code: 512
Phone: 334-5154
County: Frio

20-Moore Cemetery

Marker Title: Moore Cemetery
Address: Hwy. 462
City: Moore
County: Frio
Year Marker Erected: 1970
Marker Location: Highway 462 at eastern limits, Moore
Marker Text: First public burial ground in community. Before its founding people were buried in private plots, church cemeteries, or in public graveyards outside this precinct. In 1896 Moses Veith deeded five acres of land for use as a community cemetery. Interred here are pioneers and men who fought in Indian battles, World Wars I and II, and other major conflicts. Moore was named for early Texas R. B. "Mustang" Moore, who lived on a small creek near here. In 1861 he was killed by Comanches. The town was first named Moore Hollow. (1970)

21-Big Foot Wallace Museum

Museum Name: Big Foot Wallace Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 34
Street Address: FM 462 at FM 472
City: Big Foot
Zip Code: 78005
Area Code: 830
Phone: 663-2419
County: Frio

21-Brummett Cemetery

Marker Title: Brummett Cemetery
City: Bigfoot
County: Frio
Year Marker Erected: 1974
Marker Location: Take Hwy. 472 west to Hwy. 173S - 1-2 mi., then left onto Brummett Cemetery Road which leads directly to cemetery.
Marker Text: Between Old Laredo Road and Fort Ewell Road, in a locality accessible to the pioneers, this cemetery was in use by 1860, as shown by gravestone of Elijah Ross, aged two. The burial ground was deeded to the public by Mrs. Kizzie Brummett and her son William Brummett on Sept. 21, 1889. Interments have included John T. Brummett (1815-1881), the husband and father to the donors; two Brummett daughters; noted early Texan James Washington Winters (1817-1903), a veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto; also many Winters descendants. There are now (1974) about 275 graves.

21-William Alexander A. Wallace

Marker Title: William Alexander A. Wallace
City: Bigfoot
County: Frio
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: On Highway 472, across from Bigfoot Museum, at intersection of 472 and 462, Bigfoot.
Marker Text: Known as Big Foot Wallace--defender of Texas and Texans. As soldier, ranger and mailrider, he protected the advancing frontier, died January 7, 1899.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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