
Northwestern Part of Southeastern New Mexico Historical Markers

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

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Carrizozo | Greathouse Station and Tavern | Laguna Del Perro | Malpais-Valley of Fires | Salinas National Monument | Salt Lake | Vaughn

Map of Northwestern Part of Southeastern New Mexico


Carrizozo, county seat of Lincoln County, was established in 1899, a new town on the El Paso and Northeastern railroad. The ghost town of White Oaks, once a booming mining camp, is nearby. Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett, Governor Lew Wallace and Albert Bacon Fall all figured prominently in the history of the area.

Greathouse Station and Tavern

In late November, 1880, William "Billy the Kid" Bonney, David Rudabaugh and William Wilson were hiding out near here at a store and tavern operated by James Greathouse and a partner named Kuch. The night of November 27, they were surrounded by a posse. Deputy James Carlyle was accidentally killed when he attempted to negotiate the outlaws' surrender. Bonney and his companions escaped unharmed.

Laguna Del Perro

Numerous salt ponds and lakes, of which Laguna del Perro is the largest, occur in lowest part of Estancia Basin, closed depression between Manzano Mountains to west and low Pedernal Hills to east. Even paleoindians mined salt. Basin was filled by 150-foot-deep lake in late Pleistocene time.   

Malpais-Valley of Fires

Spanish explorers called this extensive lava flow malpais, or badlands. The river of lava that flowed down this "Valley of Fires" erupted from a volcano some 7 miles south of here about 1000 years ago. Extending through the valley for 44 miles, the malpais average 3 miles in width. This ropy type of lava is called "pahoehoe."

Salinas National Monument

This unique regional complex of prehistoric Indian pueblos and associated 17th -century Franciscan mission ruins constitutes a "capsule in time" in which the first century of Native American-European contact in what is now the United States is preserved. The complex includes Ado, Quarai, and Gran Quivria Ruins. The central visitor center is in Mountainair's historic Shaffer Hotel.

Salt Lake

The Pedernal Hills form the eastern edge of Spanish New Mexico's 17th century "Salinas Jurisdiction." Pueblo Indians used salt from these salinas in trade with Plains Indians. This salt was also prized by the Spaniards because of its use in silver processing for the rich Chihuahuan mines farther south in Mexico.


Vaughn a division point in the transcontinental railway system, is located along the route of the Stinson cattle trail. In 1882, Jim Stinson, manager of the New Mexico Land and Livestock Co., drove 20,000 cattle in eight separate herds along this important trail from Texas to the Estancia Valley.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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