
Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Texas Forts Trail Region

Map of Palo Pinto County Historic Sites
Markers (click on a topic to jump to that section.)
Baker, Jonathan Hamilton | Bevers Homesite, George Rice | Black Springs | Black Springs Cemetery | Old Camp Wolters | Crawford, Simpson | Goodnight, Charles | Hittson Cemetery | Lane, Alfred | Site of the Home of Oliver Loving in 1855 | Morris Sheppard Dam and Possum Kingdom Lake | Mount Marion Cemetery | Old County Jail | Palo Pinto Cemetery | Palo Pinto County | Courthouse of Palo Pinto County | Pickwick-McAdams Cemetery | Savage, Sam, Captive of the Comanches | Slaughter, George Webb | Site of Snake Saloon | Bethel Strawn | Strawn, Stephen Bethel | Vaughan, Reuben
Uncommemorated and Unmapped Sites
Big Foot Wallace | Capt. J.J. Cureton's Wolf Creek Fight | Cathey and Johnnie (Jack) Hale, Martin | Citizens, Rangers, and Soldiers Retaliate | Double Mountain Gap Fight | Oliver Loving | Indian Experience of John Dalton, Mose Terry & Abe Denton | J.B. Slaughter Wounded | Brandon Raid* | Choctaw Tom | Indians Attack the Rolland Boys and Davy Crockett | Marcus L. Dalton, James Redfield and James McAster | Finis to Palo Pinto | Peter Garland | Henderson, John | Jacksboro Through Keechi Valley | Lane, Alfred | McAdams Men, Running Fight of Captain | Mills, Willis | Palo Pinto Drive | Possum Kingdom Drive | Reasoner's Residence, William | Mr. & Mrs. Ed Rippey | George Webb Slaughter | Goodnight on Ranging and Making of a Scout | White, David and Britt Johnson
Uncommemorated Active Battle Map (Stories below are on map.)
Detachment of Capt. Dillahunty's Company Encounters a Band of Wild Indians Near Old Black Springs | Arrow in the Water Bucket | Mullen's/W.C. McAdams Fight | Loving's Valley Fight | Captain W.C. McAdams Fight | Indian Fight Near the Mouth of Big Keechi in Palo Pinto County | George Dodson Kills Indian in Palo Pinto County | Ben & John Caruthers, Lim Vaughan | Turkey Creek Fight of 1864 | Jowell Brothers and Others Encounter Indians on Turkey Creek | Henry Welty | Observation Point | Goodnight/Loving Pasture | Chesley S. Dobbs | Crawford Fight on Chick Bend Mountain | Eubanks, George | Thomas Eubanks | Jesse Veale Story - Citizens of Palo Pinto Encounter Indians Near the Mouth of Ioni | William M. Peters | Indians Ambush W.J. Hale on Ioni | Dr. D.B. Warren | Palo Pinto | Local Citizens Fight Savages Around Palo Pinto | Benjamin Franklin Baker | Chesley S. Dobbs | Wesley Cravens | Dick Lemons' Farm | Indians Treed in the Lake Creek Mts. | Lone Camp | Ward Mountain Fight | Captain Culver's Men Encounter Indians in Palo Pinto Co. | Fort Stubblefield | Fred Colley, Coler or Colter | George Lemons and Elic Hestelow | Steve Brannon and Grandma Cohen | Major's Fight | Nick Lee | Tipton Seay | Keechi Valley Drive

Brandon Raid:

Jonathan Hamilton Baker

Marker Title: Jonathan Hamilton Baker
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1983
Marker Location: US 180, Courthouse Square, Palo Pinto.
Marker Text: Virginia native Jonathan Hamilton "Ham" Baker came to Texas in 1858 with his brother G.W. Baker and his uncle Eli Young. Stricken by malaria while a teacher in Fort Worth, he later moved to Palo Pinto County where his Uncle Frank Baker was homesteading. Here he opened a school, believed to be the first regularly organized school in Palo Pinto, and soon after helped establish the town's first Methodist church. In 1859 Baker was chosen to lead a company of local men organized to defend the area against Indian attacks. He first served under Capt. J.R. Baylor and later participated with Capt. Lawrence Sullivan Ross in the recovery of Cynthia Ann Parker, the white woman seized by Comanches in 1836. During the Civil War he served as the leader of the home guard. Baker was also an open range cattleman, and in 1869 he began driving his herds to Kansas railheads. Active in local government, he served as deputy sheriff, justice of peace, deputy postmaster and clerk of the county and district. In 1890 he moved to Granbury, where he became a successful nurseryman. For over 60 years Baker kept a detailed diary, which now provides a thorough account of his distinguished life and the frontier of Texas.

George Rice Bevers Homesite

Marker Title: George Rice Bevers Homesite
City: Graford
Year Marker Erected: 1971
Marker Location: from Graford, take SH 254 2 miles east.
Marker Text: On the Fort Worth-Fort Belknap Road, near Flat Rock crossing of Keechi Creek. Occupied 1854 when such travelers as Indian agent Robert S. Neighbors were fed or housed overnight by Bevers. First Palo Pinto County school opened in vicinity in 1856, on a path smoothed by oxen pulling a log. In Bevers Cemetery lies a victim of 1860s Indian raids that sent settlers to refuges as remote as the courthouse in Fort Worth. Bevers (1825-1904), his wife Lucinda Jane Tacker (1825-73), and children lived near Curetons, Goodnights, Slaughters, other noted pioneers.

Black Springs

Marker Title: Black Springs
City: Oran
Year Marker Erected: 1982
Marker Location: SH 52, Oran.
Marker Text: Settled before the Civil War and named for the area's early water source, located nearby, the Black Springs community played a significant role in the growth of Palo Pinto County. Prominent individuals associated with the town included early cattlemen and trail drivers Oliver Loving and Charles Goodnight and J.J. "Jack" Cureton, a noted military veteran and pioneer. In 1886 the community was renamed Oran in honor of Texas Governor Oran M. Roberts. Once the county's leading town and the site of stores, churches, a school and railroad, it declined in the 1930s and 1940s. (1982)

Black Springs Cemetery

Marker Title: Black Springs Cemetery
Year Marker Erected: 1982
Marker Location: SH 52, Oran.
Marker Text: Originally known as the Black Springs Cemetery, the nearby burial ground was established to serve pioneer settlers of the Keechi Valley and the settlement of Black Springs. The earliest marked grave is that of Mary A. Lasater (1841-1871). Land for the cemetery was deeded by Silas Adam Sheek, stepfather of the noted Texas cattleman Charles Goodnight. Renamed Oran Cemetery when a new community name was selected in 1886, it includes the graves of Goodnight's mother Charlotte Sheek (1810-1882), Civil War veterans, pioneer settlers and early community leaders. (1982)

We received the following e-mail regarding the above historical marker:

On the page at: you state for Black Springs Cemetery:
 "Land for the cemetery was deeded by Silas Adam Sheek, stepfather of the noted Texas cattleman Charles Goodnight. Renamed Oran Cemetery when a new community name was selected in 1886,..."
Adam SHEEK, step-father of Charles GOODNIGHT had only the one name, Adam. He had no "first name" Silas. If it was he who donated the land, then it should just state "Adam Sheek, stepfather....."  If you have a record that shows the land was donated by a Silas Adam SHEEK, then he is the half-brother (not step-father) of Charles GOODNIGHT.  After Adam SHEEK married Charlotte (the widow GOODNIGHT) they had one child, Silas Adam SHEEK, usually known as Silas A. SHEEK.
Rick Saunders

We have received more information regarding the Sheek name from another visitor to our site.

Oran/Black Springs Ranch: Concerning Adam Sheek's name:
My gr gr gr grandfather's name was JOHANN ADAM SHEEK, JR. Adam was his middle name. After moving west, evidently, he only used the name Adam Sheek. His father, Johann Adam Sheek, Sr. lived in North Carolina. He died in June of 1832 not long after his grandson, John (for Johann) Wesley Sheek, was born in Tennessee.
John Wesley Sheek was my gr gr grandfather. 
Thank you, Charla Duke Perry

Old Camp Wolters

Marker Title: Old Camp Wolters
Address: 3801 Ram Blvd.
City: Mineral Wells
Year Marker Erected: 1997
Marker Text: Established in 1925, Camp Wolters was named for Brigadier General Jacob F. Wolters, commander of the 56th Brigade for the National Guard, and designated a summer training site for horse-mounted cavalry units. The city of Mineral Wells donated fifty acres of land, and later thousands of acres were leased for the camp. By 1927 one thousand officers and men and the same number of horses were encamped here. In 1933 a Civilian Conservation Corps company set up camp at the National Guard barracks and made improvements at the camp and to the city park. In 1940 Camp Wolters was selected as a major training base for the National Military Draft. During World War II, the camp became an important infantry replacement training center on 7,500 acres of leased land with a troop capacity that reached a peak of 24,973. The internationally famous "F: Troop of World War II was one of the mounted units that trained here. German prisoners of war also were housed at the camp. After the war's end, the camp was deactivated by the army. The original Old Camp Wolters site was returned to the National Guard and used for local purposes until 1965. (1997)

Simpson Crawford

Marker Title: Simpson Crawford
Year Marker Erected: 1980
Marker Location: from Graford, take Highway 254 east about 3 miles.
Marker Text: A native of Kentucky, Simpson Crawford (1824-1908) served in the Mexican war (1846-48) at Vera Cruz and Mexico City. Following the war he returned to Kentucky and married Elizabeth Evans. In 1852 they moved to Texas, settling first in Titus County. In 1854 they came to Palo Pinto County and built a home (3/4 mile northwest) in the Keechi Valley area of Peters Colony. A successful rancher owning 3100 acres, Crawford also served in the Texas Rangers. His first wife died in 1858 and he married Mary Brown four years later. He is buried in Crawford Cemetery (1.5 miles north). (1980)

Charles Goodnight

Marker Title: Charles Goodnight
City: Oran
Year Marker Erected: 1982
Marker Location: SH 52, Oran.
Marker Text: Here at Black Springs in the Keechi Valley in 1857, the celebrated pioneer open range cowman and trail driver Charles Goodnight (1836-1929) located his first ranch on the extreme Indian frontier of Texas. From here he took part in the 1860 Pease River fight when Cynthia Ann Parker was recaptured from Comanches, he served as scout and guide for the Texas Rangers during the Civil War and in 1866 he laid out the Goodnight-Loving cattle trail, over which thousands of longhorns were driven to market in New Mexico. In 1867 at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, his partner Oliver Loving died from wounds suffered in an Indian attack. Without the aid of an undertaker, Goodnight carried the body by wagon through hostile Indian territory for burial at Weatherford (24 miles southeast). Goodnight extended his cattle trails to Wyoming and to Colorado, where he started a ranch near Pueblo. In 1876 he established the first cattle ranch in the vast Texas Panhandle, which became the internationally known JA Ranch. Involved in the preservation of the area's native buffalo, he also bred the first herd of cattalo by crossing buffalo with range cattle. Goodnight's pioneer efforts led to the development of the frontier and the Texas cattle industry. (1982)

Hittson Cemetery

Marker Title: Hittson Cemetery
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1982
Marker Location: from Palo Pinto, take Highway 180 east about 3 miles to Pleasant Valley Road and follow about 6 miles to Hittson Cemetery.
Marker Text: This burial ground (.2 miles north) first served the family of pioneer settler Jesse Hittson (1801-61). A native of Virginia, Hittson moved to this area in 1855 and began raising cattle. His land, located on an important early Brazos River crossing, became known as Hittson Bend. In 1857 he actively participated in the formation of Palo Pinto County. His grave is the earliest marked at this site. Five generations of Hittsons are buried here. Graves include those of family members who also became prominent leaders of the cattle industry and who led in the development of the area. (1982)

Alfred Lane

Marker Title: Alfred Lane
City: Graford
Year Marker Erected: 1997
Marker Location: SH 254, 2 miles east of Graford.
Marker Text: Called "A splendid brave man" by his brother-in-law, cattleman Charles Goodnight, Tennessee native Alfred Lane moved to Texas with his family in 1836 and settled in Robertson's colony on the Brazos River. He moved to the Black Springs area of Palo Pinto County in 1856, following his marriage to Elizabeth Goodnight, and raised horses on the open range. He scouted with the Texas Rangers during the Civil War. After helping Goodnight drive cattle west of Ft. Belknap, Lane was killed by Indians as he returned home. He is buried nearby in Crawford Cemetery (2 miles northeast). (1997)

Site of the Home of Oliver Loving in 1855

Marker Title: Site of the Home of Oliver Loving in 1855
City: Mineral Wells
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: from Mineral Wells, take US 281 north about 7.5 miles and go west on Loving Road, follow about .25 miles to marker (north side of road).

Morris Sheppard Dam and Possum Kingdom Lake

Marker Title: Morris Sheppard Dam and Possum Kingdom Lake - A Project of the Brazos River Authority
Marker Location: From Graford, take SH 254 west about 8 miles, then take SH 16 southwest about 2 miles to PR 36, follow southwest about 2.5 miles to FM 2353 follow FM 2353 south about 1 mile to Observation Point Road, go west about .5 mile to observation area.
Marker Text: Built in response to disastrous Brazos River flooding, Morris Sheppard Dam and Possum Kingdom Reservoir were early attempts at water conservation and flood control in Texas. The U.S. government funded $4,500,000 of the three-year, $8,500,000 project through the Works Progress Administration, a Depression era recovery agency. Named for U.S. Senator Morris Sheppard and completed in 1941, the dam is 2,740 feet long and 190 feet high. Nine spillway gates allow for the passage of flood waters and drift material. Power generating facilities consist of two 11,250-killowatt units which serve much of the surrounding area. The creation of Possum Kingdom Lake from the impounded waters of Morris Sheppard Dam sent bridges, roads and an entire town underwater. Recovery was initially slow, but quickly picked up after World War II with the establishment of major fishing lodges, camping areas and other recreational facilities. The growth and success of the area is a tribute to the spirit of the surrounding communities which continue to benefit from the project's original purposes of water conservation and supply, and hydroelectric power generation.

Mount Marion Cemetery

Marker Title: Mount Marion Cemetery
City: Strawn
Year Marker Erected: 1995
Marker Location: 701 Grant Avenue, Strawn.
Marker Text: Located on land once owned by William W. Johnson, whose coal mining operations spurred major development in nearby Thurber, this cemetery was named for Johnson's daughter, Marion, who died at age three. It later became the primary burial ground for the town of Strawn. The earliest documented burial dates to 1883. Interred here are many area pioneers, including town founder Stephen B. Strawn, former Texas Rangers, veterans of wars from the Civil War to World War II, and victims of the devastating 1918-19 influenza epidemic. It is a reflection of the area's heritage. Sesquicentennial of Texas Statehood 1845-1995.

Old County Jail

Marker Title: Old County Jail
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1976
Marker Location: 1 block south of Courthouse Square, Palo Pinto.
Marker Text: Built to replace a log jail, this native sandstone structure was erected by contractors Martin, Byrne and Johnston of Comanche. J.C. McQuerry was sheriff when it was finished (1880). The first floor was used for county offices until a new courthouse was finished. It then housed the jailer's family, while the top floor held killers, cattle rustlers, rowdy cowboys, and other prisoners. A steel trap door was installed for hangings in 1907 but never used. Vacated in 1941, the building was acquired by the Palo Pinto County Historical Association in 1968 and restored as its headquarters and museum. (1976)

Palo Pinto Cemetery

Marker Title: Palo Pinto Cemetery
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1992
Marker Location: FM 4, south city limits, Palo Pinto.
Marker Text: This cemetery traces its history to 1857 when a 320-acre tract of land was surveyed for the original Palo Pinto townsite. The town was platted in 1858 and one block was laid around an existing cemetery. In 1880 Palo Pinto citizens purchased the graveyard from the county. The oldest legible grave marker is that of George W. Slaughter (May 6, 1843-June 15, 1860). Those interred here include area pioneers, military veterans, Texas Rangers, and prominent Palo Pinto citizens. The Palo Pinto Cemetery Association was organized in 1974 to provide maintenance for the cemetery. (1992)

Palo Pinto County

Marker Title: Palo Pinto County
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: 1.25 miles west of Palo Pinto on Highway 180.
Marker Text: Created August 27, 1856, from Navarro and Bosque counties; organized in 1857. Spanish name Palo Pinto refers to spotted oak, a common regional tree having bark with a mottled appearance. Good hunting and abundant water made area a favoNative American locality. The first anglo american settlers arrived in 1850's, including Texas cattlemen and trail-blazers Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving. The discovery, in 1880, of mineral water and arrival of Texas and Pacific railroad brought an influx of settlers and helped establish a strong economy. The county seat, first named Golconda in 1856, was renamed Palo Pinto in 1858. Erected by the State of Texas -1973

Courthouse of Palo Pinto County

Marker Title: Courthouse of Palo Pinto County
City: Palo Pinto
Year Marker Erected: 1986
Marker Location: Palo Pinto, Highway 180.
Marker Text: Palo Pinto County was created in 1856 and named for a Creek south of here that was perhaps named by Spanish explorers of the Brazos River Valley. The county seat of 320 acres was surveyed at its geographical center and was originally named Golconda. A court session in 1857 called for the first courthouse to be built of wood frame construction, with two doors and three windows. The contract was awarded to a bid of $300. Shortly after, in 1859, the town name was changed to Palo Pinto. In 1882, just after the Texas Legislature allowed counties to issue bonds for new courthouses, a large sandstone structure was built. It cost $35,000 and exhibited Second Empire styling with a central clock tower. A two story sandstone annex was added in 1906 and connected to the courthouse by an iron bridge. Sandstone for the buildings was quarried south of the city. In 1940 these buildings were demolished and a new courthouse was erected by Work Projects Administration workers. The reinforced-concrete structure featured subtle classical detail and was clad with some of the sandstone from the old buildings. It was completed in 1942 at a cost of $250,000. (1986)

Pickwick-McAdams Cemetery

Marker Title: Pickwick-McAdams Cemetery
City: Graford
Year Marker Erected: 1979
Marker Location: from Graford take Highway 254 west about 8 miles to P 36 and follow P 36 west about 3 miles.
Marker Text: Tennessee native Capt. William Carroll McAdams (1825-1906) came to Texas in the 1840s, served as a Texas Ranger, and fought in the Mexican war (1846-1848). McAdams and his wife Ann (Alexander) acquired this land in 1854 and began cattle raising. The cemetery opened after the death of Mrs. McAdams. The first marked grave is that of Mary M. Couger in 1889. McAdams Cemetery served the Pickwick Community (now under the lake). In 1940 graves were moved here from Carter Bend Cemetery which was on the proposed Possum Kingdom Lake site. (1979)

This was sent to us by a visitor to our site: I haven't got out to see the Picwick-McAdams marker. I hope to in the coming year. William Carroll McAdams would be my 3rd Great Uncle. It appears the marker calls him a Tennessee native. Although he had older siblings born there, William was born in Missouri. The family, including his father William Rainey McAdams and mother Sarah (Sally)-Patterson McAdams did indeed enter Texas around the time stated in the marker. William Rainey McAdams was in Red River County in 1836 and by December 11 1839 had been issued certificate # 50 for a class 3 headright in Harrison County. The family had been in Illinois prior to coming to Texas.
Sam Savage, Captive of the Comanches

Sam Savage Picture

Marker Title: Sam Savage, Captive of the Comanches
City: Mineral Wells
Year Marker Erected: 1986
Marker Location: from Mineral Wells, take FM 1821 north about 3 miles (at Staggs Prairie Cemetery).
Marker Text: Buried in the nearby Staggs Prairie Cemetery, Sam Savage (1861-1951) was a rancher, farmer, and champion fiddler. At the age of five, he survived a Comanche Indian raid on his father's farm in Parker County and lived in captivity with the Comanches for a time. The attack on Bolin Savage's homestead occurred on March 2, 1866, and was followed by a raid on his brother's farm. Both Bolin and James Savage were killed. Sam Savage, his brother, and a cousin were taken captive by the Indians. A posse headed by Parker County Judge A.J. Hunter failed to overtake the Comanches. The children were discovered by trader John Fields in November 1866 and were ransomed for the sum of $414 at Fort Arbuckle, Oklahoma. Sam Savage lived until the age of 90 to relate his experiences of life with the Indians. After a time, he and the other children adapted to their situation, learning the language and the use of a bow and arrow. In 1911, Sam Savage and the trader, John Fields, held a reunion during which many of the old tales were recounted. Sam Savage married Arizona Pierce in 1881, and they lived in Palo Pinto County until their deaths. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986

George Webb Slaughter

Marker Title: George Webb Slaughter
City: Palo Pinto
Marker Location: from Palo Pinto, take FM 4 5 miles north.
Marker Text: (May 10, 1811-March 11, 1895) Born in Lawrence County, Miss. Came to Texas with his parents in 1830, settled in Sabine County, and began a freighting business. He participated in the Texas War for Independence, serving as a courier for Gen. Sam Houston, and on one occasion took a dispatch to Col. William B. Travis at the Alamo in San Antonio. Slaughter married Sarah Mason on October 12, 1836, the first marriage sanctioned under laws of the Republic of Texas. The couple had 11 children, including the prominent cattlemen Christopher C. (1837-1919) and John B. Slaughter (1848-1928). George W. Slaughter in 1844 was ordained a Baptist minister. He began raising cattle in Freestone County in 1852, and moved in 1857 to his Palo Pinto County homestead (1/4 miles east). He organized (1861) a Baptist church near his home, and rode a circuit in the area, preaching and practicing "saddlebag" medicine. He and his family survived several Indian attacks. From 1868 to 1875, thousands of his cattle went up the trail to Kansas railheads. Slaughter moved (1870) to Emporia, Kan., but returned here in 1875. In 1882, he founded the First Baptist Church in Mineral Wells. He ceased ranching in 1884. He was moderator (1886) when Slaughter Valley Baptist Church merged with the church in Palo Pinto, where he was later buried. Incise on base: Marker Sponsor: D.C. Harris, grandson

Site of Snake Saloon

Marker Title: Site of Snake Saloon
City: Thurber
Year Marker Erected: 1995
Marker Location: from Thurber, .25 mile north of town off FM 108 at south county line.
Marker Text: Saloons were prominent in the life and history of Thurber and were often settings for union organizational efforts. The first Snake Saloon, located between the drugstore and the livery stable in the center of town, was famous for its massive horseshoe-shaped mahogany bar. After liquor sales were outlawed in Erath County in 1904, the Snake Saloon relocated just inside Palo Pinto County, 150 yards west of this site. The 40' x 120' building featured a bar as long as two train cars. The saloon closed in 1920 after passage of the federal prohibition law. (1995)

Bethel Strawn

Marker Title: Bethel Strawn
City: Strawn
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: In front of City Hall 118 East Howsley Street, Strawn.
Marker Text: An 1858 settler and leading citizen of Palo Pinto County. Enlisted 1864 in Co. B. 1st Frontier District, Texas State Troops, in Maj. Wm. Quayle's command. Saw service mainly in keeping down Indian depredations and protecting settlments that were furnishing food salt, hides, leather and other goods to aid the Confederate cause during the Civil War. In 1880, when Texas and Pacific Railroad built through western Palo Pinto County, a stop was named for Bethel Strawn, who owned land at that point. By 1885, Strawn settlement had grown into a town drawing off people from old Palo Pinto. During 20th century oil developments, the name Strawn is used for petroleum bearing formations of rock that underlie this county and other areas. Strawn minerals include coal, once mined locally. 36 Texas counties were named for men prominent in the Confederacy during the Civil War. One county, Val Verde, was named for a Civil War battlefield on which Texas troops were victorious during the New Mexico-Arizona campaign of 1861-1862. 41 Texas towns were named for men who figured in the Civil War. Strawn, however, is the one geological name commemorating a Texan in the Civil War. (1965)

Stephen Bethel Strawn

Marker Title: Stephen Bethel Strawn
City: Strawn
Year Marker Erected: 1973
Marker Location: Corner of Binney and Hinkson.
Marker Text: Born in Giles County, Tennessee. Came to Palo Pinto County, 1859, among first settlers in region. Married Jane Allen, July 18, 1860. Served in Co. B, State Troops, during Civil War, protecting frontier. Built this house in mid-1870s. Founded city of Strawn, 1880, to encourage Texas and Pacific Railway company to build through area. He was landowner, rancher, and banker, with interests in local coal mining activities. (1973)

Reuben Vaughan, First Permanent Settler of Palo Pinto

Marker Title: Reuben Vaughan, First Permanent Settler of Palo Pinto County
City: Graford
Year Marker Erected: 1979
Marker Location: from Graford, take SH 4 north about 2 miles.
Marker Text: Alabama-born Reuben Vaughan (1819-1900) migrated to Texas in 1852. He and his wife Margaret (Truelove) and their three children moved to this area in 1854 and became the first permanent settlers in present Palo Pinto County. They erected a cabin of cedar and stone near this site. A farmer and stock raiser, Vaughan maintained friendly relations with the Indian tribes that roamed this region. During the Civil War, he served in a frontier battalion to protect pioneer settlements. Vaughan is buried in this family cemetery. (1979)

Lone Camp

The jail and the museum are certainly worth a visit and Hwy. 4 to the south may be the most beautiful drive in this part of the world. Stop in the little store at Lone Camp. An electric train passes overhead by handpainted landscapes all the way around the store.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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