
Somervell County Historical Markers

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Texas Lakes Trail Region

Markers (click on a topic to jump to that section.)
Barnard's Mill | Barnard's Trading Post No. 2 | Dinosaur Tracks | First National Bank | Somervell County | Old Somervell County Jail | so-called "Squaw Creek" Indian Fight | Veterans of the Confederacy, Spanish American War, World War I and II
Uncommemorated Active Battle Map (Stories below are on map.)
Rigman Bryant & African | Barnard's Trading Post #2
Barnard's Mill

Marker Title: Barnard's Mill
Address: 315 Barnard St.
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1962
Marker Text: Early Texas grist mill. Built like a fort -- with gun ports and walls 3 feet thick at bottom -- to withstand Indian attacks. Constructed in 1860 by Charles Barnard, who (with his brother, George) ran it until 1874. Previously the Barnards had successful trading houses in Waco village and elsewhere. For years, social events were held on the third floor. Cotton gin annex was erected in 1895. Building was a hospital 1943-71. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1962.

Barnard's Trading Post No. 2

Marker Title: Barnard's Trading Post No. 2
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1998
Marker Location: US 67, 8 mi. E of Glen Rose.
Marker Text: The Torrey brothers of Connecticut and their childhood friend George Barnard, with President Sam Houston as a partner, contracted to build a series of trading posts along the Brazos River in 1843. Barnard's friendly manner made the Indians his friends, paving the way for more peaceful frontier settlement. In 1846, George ransomed a young girl, Juana Cavasos, from a group of Comanches at the post on Tehuacana Creek near Waco for $300. By 1847 she had married his brother Charles. In 1849, Charles and George established a post within this valley where Charles and Juana would live. In view of Comanche Peak in modern-day Hood County, the second post was four miles north of this site and near a Shawnee-Delaware village. Trading goods from a bulletproof "dog-run" log house, the brothers did an excellent business, and Juana's influence on the region equaled theirs. Two Anglo communities sprang up in the area: George's Creek and Fort Spunky. The government relocated the area's Indian population to Oklahoma in 1859; the need for a trading post dwindled. 1860 found Charles and Juana beginning a community on the Paluxy River, where he built a large stone gristmill. The town that grew around the mill was called Barnard's Mill, later renamed Glen Rose. (1998)

Dinosaur Tracks

Marker Title: Dinosaur Tracks
Address: Vernon and Elm St.
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1970
Marker Location: northeast corner of courthouse square.
Marker Text: Formed 100,000,000 years ago, tracks of 3 kinds of dinosaurs are preserved in the limestone below Paluxy River. Types include Acrocanthosaurus (a meat-eater), Camptosaurus (plant-eater who left 3-toed bird-like tracks), and Pleurocoelus (a plant-eater who made huge 5-toed prints). For years following their discovery (about 1910), the tracks remained a novelty. When Paluxy River ran low, farmers caught catfish stranded in them. Excavations by a prominent museum and several universities in 1938 brought the tracks to the attention of the world. (1970)

First National Bank

Marker Title: First National Bank
Address: 100 Bernard St.
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1964
Marker Text: Hand hewn-native stone structure, built 1896 by A.P. Humphreys, as saloon. Lodge hall upstairs hosted dances, socials, stage shows. First National moved in, 1902, with such customers as Col. Charles Goodnight, trail-blazing cattleman. Scene of 1917 robbery and shooting of one bandit. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1964

Somervell County

Marker Title: Somervell County
Address: Courthouse Lawn
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: Courthouse lawn, Glen Rose.
Marker Text: Named for Alexander Somervell (1796-1854), native of Maryland, veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto, secretary of war under Texas President David G. Burnet; commanded the 1842 Somervell expedition seeking to end Mexican invasions of Texas Republic. Region was in Old Brazos Land District. Home of Wacos and other Indians. First white settler was Charles Barnard, 1848. First cotton crop and first tannery were introduced during Civil War, 1861-1865. Created from land in south end of Hood County and organized in 1875; Glen Rose (founded as Barnard's Mill), county seat.

Old Somervell County Jail

Marker Title: Old Somervell County Jail
Address: Cedar & Vernon
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1962
Marker Location: Corner of Cedar and Vernon, Glen Rose.

so-called "Squaw Creek" Indian Fight

Marker Title: so-called "Squaw Creek" Indian Fight
Address: FM 144 N. of Glen Rose about 2 miles.
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1965
Marker Location: from Glen Rose, take highway 67 East about .9 miles, then follow FM 144 north about 1.8 miles to picnic area.
Marker Text: Civil War frontier victory, near this site. About 25 raiding Indians jumped a fox hunter, Rigman Bryant, killed him, shot his dog, stole his horse. That afternoon the Indians and stolen horses were seen by a minister, Silas Scarborough, W.C. Walters and an African bringing home a turn of meal from the gristmill. Scarborough and Walters headed into a cedar brake. The Indians urged the African to join them, shot him full of arrows when he refused. In a few hours the Cavalry attacked the Indians, recovered the horses, killed one Indian, chased the others away. One settler was shot. In a week the wounded African died. Many of the 1848-1861 settlers on the Paluxy and so-called "Squaw Creek" were away in the Confederate army. Very young boys and elderly men joined defense forces. Some drew military duty for 10 days, were off 10 days to look after mills, cattle, horses and farms. For safety, women dressed as men while their sons, husbands and fathers were away. At times 50 to 100 tents were used in hasty "forting up" of families. During the war, Alex McCammant established county's first tannery, using cedar leaves in processing hides. For cloth making, county's first cotton was grown.

Veterans of the Confederacy, Spanish American War, World War I and II

Marker Title: Veterans of the Confederacy, Spanish American War, World War I and II
Address: Courthouse Square
City: Glen Rose
Year Marker Erected: 1962
Marker Location: Courthouse Square, Glen Rose.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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