
Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Texas Plains Trail Region

Map of Terry County

Topics (click on a topic to jump to that section).
Mail Relay Station | Meadow Depot | Meadow Museum Association | Route of Nolan Expedition | The Oak Grove | Terry County | Terry County Historical Museum | Terry County's First Jail | Colonel B.F. Terry and Terry's Texas Rangers
Mail Relay Station

Marker Title: Mail Relay Station
Address: 14.5 mi. SE on SH 137
City: Brownfield
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1973
Marker Location: From Brownfield, take SH 137 about 14.5 miles southeast.
Marker Text: W. J. French (1859-1930) settled here in 1903, and built two-story house. Site became regular water stop for freighters and drovers. In 1905, French obtained the mail contract between Lamesa and Gomez, via Brownfield. Five-passenger "hacks" started each day from Lamesa and Gomez, and met at this half-way point at noon to exchange mail and passengers and change horses. After riders were served a hot meal, cooked by Mrs. French, "hacks" returned to starting points, completing a 40-mile round trip. Service was discontinued in 1910, when mail was rerouted.

Meadow Depot

Marker Title: Meadow Depot
Address: Meadow Park
City: Meadow
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1975
Marker Location: Meadow Park, Meadow.
Marker Text: Meadow was founded in 1904 on public land grazed by L-7 Ranch herds; village moved to this site on the Santa Fe Railway line in 1917. Soon settlers were arriving with livestock in one end of a boxcar, furniture in the other. A boxcar was used as a station. This depot was built in 1911 at White Deer (200 mi. NE), moved here in 1923, used until 1965, then given to the community and relocated in the park (1967) as a relic of the town's early development. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1975.

Meadow Museum Association

Museum Name: Meadow Museum Association
Mailing Address: Rt 1 Box 27
City: Meadow
Zip Code: 79345
Street Address: 205 W Mitchell
Area Code: 806
Phone: 539-2357
County: Terry

Route of Nolan Expedition

Marker Title: Route of Nolan Expedition
Address: 2.5 mi. SW on US 62/82
City: Meadow
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1972
Marker Location: From Meadow, take U.S. 62/82 southwest about 2.5 miles.
Marker Text: Army and civilian effort in 1877 to halt raiding of Chief "Old Black Horses" Comanches. In group were 60 African troops of Co. A, 10th U.S. Cavalry, and 22 buffalo hunters known as "The Forlorn Hope". Troops departed Fort Concho in early July, led by Capt. Nicholas Nolan. Eluded by Indians and finding water holes dry, on July 7 men were thirst-crazed. By drinking horse blood and urine, soldiers lived 86 parched hours; finally reached old supply base. Hunters left group; found water alone. All but 4 soldiers survived this heroic test of endurance.

The Oak Grove

Marker Title: The Oak Grove
Address: US 62/82 at north city limits
City: Brownfield
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1969
Marker Location: US 62/82, at north city limits, Brownfield.
Marker Text: Landmark for pioneers, freighters, these "Shin-Oaks" are unusual for growing spontaneously on treeless high plains.

Terry County

Marker Title: Terry County
Address: 10 mi. E on US 380/82
City: Brownfield
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: From Brownfield, take US 380/82 about 10 miles east in roadside park.
Marker Text: Formed from Young and Bexar territories; created August 21, 1876, organized June 28, 1904. Named in honor of Colonel Benjamin Franklin Terry 1821-1861. Leader of the famous Terry's Texas Rangers. Brownfield, the county seat primarily a farming area.

Terry County Historical Museum

Museum Name: Terry County Historical Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1063
City: Brownfield
Zip Code: 79316
Street Address: 600 E. Caldwell
Area Code: 806
Phone: 637-2467
County: Terry

Terry County's First Jail

Marker Title: Terry County's First Jail
Address: 608 E. Cardwell
City: Brownfield
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1975
Marker Location: 608 East Cardwell, Brownfield.
Marker Text: Terry County, organized in 1904, had no jail facility until this frame structure was erected in 1916 on the southeast corner of the courthouse square. The one-room building with two steel cells was replaced in 1926 by a jail located on the top floor of the new courthouse. This small structure then became property of A. T. Fowler, who moved it to his farm in the 1940s. The outside walls were plastered and the interior used for storage. Given to Terry County Heritage Museum in 1974 by A. T. and Terrell Fowler, the old jail was transferred to this site and restored.

Colonel B.F. Terry and Terry's Texas Rangers

Marker Title: Colonel B.F. Terry and Terry's Texas Rangers
Address: US 380, at courthouse
City: Brownfield
County: Terry
Year Marker Erected: 1963
Marker Location: Courthouse lawn, US 380, Brownfield.
Marker Text: Native of Kentucky. Came to Texas 1831. Member Secession Convention. Commanded reinforcements of state troops sent to Rio Grande for the capture of Federal arms, property at Fort Brown. Went to Virginia hoping to be in first battle of war. Cited for valuable volunteer service in first Battle of Manassas. Returned to Texas with orders to raise cavalry regiment which soon attained fame as Terry's Rangers. Accepted his commission only when men elected him Colonel. Killed Woodsonville, Kentucky leading unit's first charge. His loyal Rangers carried his name until war's end. Buried Glenwood Cemetery, Houston. Terry's Texas Rangers - Ten companies of the "Kid Glove" gentry of Texas enlisted for the duration of the Civil War, forming the famed Terry's Texas Rangers. With their able leaders, this 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment joined Johnston's command in Kentucky. History finds it easy to call these Texas men fighters. They were excellent horsemen, marksmen, utterly reckless. Individual heroism was not uncommon. Their deeds were praised at Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Bragg's Raid into Kentucky and their last charge at Bentonville, N.C. Called upon to cover retreats, to invade enemy lines to get information, harass the enemy and to lead charges.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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