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Emanuel Dubbs | Fort Elliot | Fort Elliot Flagpole | Mobeetie Jail Museum | Pioneer West Museum | Rock School | Wheeler County | Wheeler County Courthouse
Emanuel Dubbs
Marker Title: Emanuel Dubbs
Address: SH 152
City: Old Mobeetie
County: Wheeler
Year Marker Erected: 1968
Marker Location: At flagpole in front of old jail in Old Mobeetie, south of S.H. 152.
Marker Text: First county judge in Texas Panhandle and in Wheeler County, Dubbs was born in Ohio. Came to know Texas as a buffalo hunter, and was in famous Indian Battle of Adobe Walls, 1874. Gained wide respect when, as judge, he had a lawless U.S. marshal arrested. He served 1879-1880; 1885-1890. (1968)

Drawing from the book, Panhandle Pilgrimage,
by Pauline Durrett
and R.L. Robertson
Fort Elliot
Marker Title: Fort Elliot
Address: SH 152, W of FM 48
City: Mobeetie
County: Wheeler
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: From Mobeetie, take S.H. 152 about .8 mile west of intersection with F.M. 48
Marker Text: Established June 5, 1875. One of the last forts established in Texas for purpose of clearing the region of Indians. Around it Mobeetie, rendezvous of buffalo hunters and traders, grew up. The post was abandoned in 1889.
Fort Elliot Flagpole
Marker Title: Fort Elliot Flagpole
Address: SH 152
City: Mobeetie
County: Wheeler
Year Marker Erected: 1966
Marker Location: At flagpole of old jail in Old Mobeetie, south of S.H. 152.
Marker Text: First stood about a mile to the northwest, at Fort Elliott, established 1875 to protect the Texas Panhandle from Indians. J. J. Long, teamster-merchant, who arrived with the soldiers, was hired to provide a flagpole for the fort. In cedar breaks near Antelope Hills, 30 miles away, he cut two huge trees and hauled them here by wagon to build this 50-foot pole. After Fort Elliott closed in 1890, Long bought the pole and placed it in front of his store. Later, at Mobeetie school for 20 years; it was erected here 1949. (1966)
Mobeetie Jail Museum
Museum Name: Mobeetie Jail Museum
Mailing Address: Route 1 Box 290
City: Mobeetie
Zip Code: 79061
Street Address: Court House Square
Area Code: 806
Phone: 845-2028
County: Wheeler A
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Military, Natural History, Photos, Historical, Local/Pioneer History, Archives
Pioneer West Museum
Museum Name: Pioneer West Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 101
City: Shamrock
Zip Code: 79079
Street Address: 204 N. Madden
Area Code: 806
Phone: 256-3941
County: Wheeler
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Military, Aviation, Natural History, Archeology, Historical, Local/Pioneer History
Rock School
Marker Title: Rock School
Address: FM 592, about 2 mile from SH 152
City: Wheeler
County: Wheeler
Marker Location: From Wheeler take SH 152 9 miles east, turn north on FM 592, continue about 2 miles to private drive onto ranch, head east about .5 miles to school.
Marker Text: Built 1886, when Indians still raided nearby apple trees. Wheeler County's second school. Of native stone. Site gift of Tom Baley. Other donors: John Brown, Frank Chilton, Mr. Clark, Henry Frye, Bill Miller, J. E. Pior, Fred H. Rathjen, Jenkins Willliams. Teacher was Mrs. Gil Hodges. (1964)
Wheeler County
Marker Title: Wheeler County
Address: Alan Bean Ave.
City: Wheeler
County: Wheeler
Year Marker Erected: 1936
Marker Location: At courthouse, Alan Bean Avenue-Wheeler
Marker Text: Formed from Young and Bexar territories; created August 21, 1876; organized April 12, 1879. Named in honor of Royal T. Wheeler (1810-1864); Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, 1844-1858; Chief Justice, 1858-1864; County Seat, Mobeetie, 1879-1906 Wheeler, since.
Wheeler County Courthouse
Marker Title: Wheeler County Courthouse
Address: 401 Main St.
City: Wheeler
County: Wheeler
Year Marker Erected: 2000
Marker Text: Named for Royal T. Wheeler, an early Texas jurist, Wheeler County was created by the Texas State Legislature in 1876. In 1879 the county was organized and Mobeetie (then known as Sweetwater), the only town in the county, became the county seat. A stone courthouse was erected from locally quarried materials in 1880. That structure was replaced with a wood frame building in 1888. As the area grew and its center changed, the town of Wheeler was officially designated the county seat in 1908. The wooden courthouse was moved to this site, but by 1913 it was too small to serve the county's needs. A separate building was erected on the southwest corner of the courthouse square that year to house the county clerk's office; it was enlarged in 1923. A bond election held in 1925 set aside funds for a new courthouse. The 1888 courthouse was sold to Sheriff Riley Price, who dismantled it and used the lumber to build barns on his ranch east of town. Designed by E. H. Eads of Shamrock, the edifice was built by local contractors Hughes and Campbell. Featuring Palladian windows and Corinthian columns characteristic of the Classical Revival style, the 1925 Wheeler County Courthouse typifies the favored style of American public buildings of its time. The 1913 county clerk's office was torn down in 1929; curbs and sidewalks were in place after the summer of 1930. Gas heat and a water system were installed in 1926. The streets on all four sides of the courthouse were paved in 1944 and the surrounding streets in the late 1970s. Standing prominently on the town square, the historic Wheeler County Courthouse continues to serve as the center of local government. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-2000