Kendall County, Texas
Kendall County Citizens Encounter Indians on Curry Creek
About 1868 Lewis Deats, Capt. John Lowhon, W.D. Edge, Frank Epps, Iron Davis, W.T. Gourley, T.M. Gourley, August Knibbe, and Charlie Patten, followed an Indian trail for about six miles, and came on the savages encamped on Curry Creek, about seventeen miles east of Boerne, in Kendall County. August Knibbe left the main command and took a stand near where he thought the Indians would pass when they made a retreat. When the savages were charged by the remaining command, true to expectations, they passed August Knibbe in his place of concealment. He was wounded in the foot.
The next morning the Indians killed Krokemeyer who lived about ten miles south of Blanco, on little Blanco Creek. Krokemeyer, at the time, was out hunting oxen, about one half mile from his house. He was scalped.
Note: Author personally interviewed W.T. Gourley, who was in the fight, F.C. Kaiser, and J.C. Goar, who then lived in that section.The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.