
The Landman Family

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

    When the Indians made their appearance at the home of James Landman on the 26th day of November, 1860, it was the beginning of one of the most far reaching raids ever made on the West Texas frontier. Furthermore, no foray ever perpetrated by the Indians on the pioneers of the West, excels the massacres to be related to exemplify the treachery and brutality of the wild hordes of the plains.

    Because of this gigantic raid, the exasperated citizens, rangers and soldiers determined to carry the war to the Indians' own doors, and to see the Indians paid dearly for this and the following dastardly deeds. When this policy of retaliation was pursued, the Indians were not only crushed, but Cynthia Ann Parker recaptured, after being in the hands of the savages for more than twenty-four years.

    Volumes have been written about the capture of Cynthia Ann Parker, but few times, if ever, has a complete story of her recapture ever been told. Much has been written about the fight in which she was recovered, but little has been said about this particular raid, which was the direct cause of the capture of Cynthia Ann Parker. And of the two phases of this very important frontier history, the part that has been heretofore left untold, from the standpoint of history, is equal or superior to the capture of Cynthia Ann Parker herself.

    James Landman and family lived about four and three-quarters miles northeast of Jacksboro, and about three-quarters of mile east of the home of Calvin Gage, who lived on Lost Creek. It was the 26th day of November, 1860. James Landman and his fourteen year old stepson named Will, were about one and a quarter miles to the east cutting timber. Mrs. Landman, Jane Masterson, a young lady, Katherine Masterson, also a young lady about fifteen or sixteen years of age, Lewis Landman, a son, six or seven years old; and John Landman, a baby were at the house.

    A large band of Indians came from the north down Hall's Creek, and charged the home of James Landman. Mrs. Landman and her seven-year-old son Lewis, were brutally murdered by the barbarians, and the baby, John, left unharmed. Jane and Katherine Masterson were taken to the home of Calvin Gage, about three quarters of a mile to the west. The Indians were more considerate of Katherine, for they placed her on a horse. But poor Jane was roped and dragged the entire distance. Before they left, the warriors cut open the feather beds, took the ticking and emptied the feathers on the floor and ground. They also took other things that suited their fancy.

    After leaving the Landman home a horrible scene, the blood-thirsty warriors, with Katherine on a horse, and Jane dragging on the ground, started to the home of Calvin Gage, to further murder, pilfer and plunder.

    Mrs. Landman and her son Lewis were buried at Jacksboro.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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