
Battlesites and Massacres Table of Contents

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

A - C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - O | P - R | S - T | U - W | X - Z


Mackenzie, On the Border With (Garrison Life at Fort Richardson)
Mackenzie Destroys Comanche Village on North Fork of Red River, 1872
Mackinaw Massacre
Madison County, Texas Historical Markers
Maechel, Conrad
Major's Fight on Buck Creek, T.H. Majors
Malheur River
Malone, Tom
Maltby's Men Have Fight in Brown County, Captain W.G.
Mangas Coloradas Affair
Mansker's Station
Manzano Mountains
Marcy, R.B.
Marias River
Marion County, Texas Historical Markers
Mariposa War
Marrow, Wash
Martin County, Texas Historical Markers
Martin, Henry
Martinas; Conrad Newhous and employee
Mary's Creek Raid
Mary's Creek Raid (Alternate Route)
Mason Community
Mason County Active Battle Map
Mason County, Texas Historical Markers
Massacre Rocks
Matagorda County, Texas Historical Markers
Mattole Valley
Maverick County, Texas Historical Markers
Maxey and Beale Families, Indians Assault the
Maxwell, Henry
May's Fight
Mayfield Fort
Mazatzal Mountains
McAdams Fight in the Northwestern Part of Palo Pinto County, Captain W.C.
McAdams, Running Fight of Captain
McAdams and Others, Murder of Mullen's and Fight of W.C.
McAllen Community
McAster, Marcus L. Dalton, James Redfield and James
McCabe, M.L.
McCain, Charlie
McCarty and Dority Killed Near the Bois d' Arc
McClaren and Allen Lease, Mrs. John
McClellan Creek Wagon Charge
McClellan's Creek, 1874, Baldwin Attacks Cheyennes at
McComas Massacre
McConnell, Mr. Joseph Carroll
McCulloch, Ben
McCulloch County Active Battle Map
McCulloch County, Texas Historical Markers
McCulloch on the San Saba in 1851, Henry E.
McCulloch's Men on the Llano, Fight of Ben
McDonald, Mrs. Lafe
McDow and Son, Nathan
McGee, Killing of
McGill, John
McGough, W.C.
McIntire, Ranger
McKenzie, Grandpa
McKinney, Mr. & Mrs. James
McKluskey, George
McLean - Sheridan - Barnes Slayings
McLennan County Active Battle Map
McLennan County, Texas Historical Markers
McLeroy Children & Bob Lackey
McMullen County, Texas Historical Markers
McMurray, J.P.
McQuerry, George
McReynolds, Murder of
McWaits, Murder of
Medicine Lodge Treaty
Medicine Lodge (Wyoming)
Medina County, Texas Historical Markers
Meeker Massacre
Meier, Henry
Menard Community
Menard County Active Battle Map
Menard County, Texas Historical Markers
Mercer's Gap Fight
Merrimond, Mr.
Mescal Creek
Mescalero Agency
Metzger, Ammie and Ennie
Mexia, Cherokees Attack Tawakonis Near
Mexican, Indians Kill
Midland County, Texas Historical Markers
Mier, Santa Fe and Snively Expeditions
Milam County, Texas Historical Markers
Milburne Raid
Military Road to Fort Sill Leg
Milk Creek
Milk River
Miller, Bill
Miller, Johnson
Milligan, T.J.
Mills County, Texas Historical Markers
Mills, Henry
Mills, W.W.
Mills, Willlis
Millsap Residence, Fuller
Millsap, Fuller and Miss Donnie
Millsap in 1868, Indian Fight South of
Miltimore Massacre
Mimbres Mountains
Mineral Wells Community
Miner's Delight
Minnehaha Falls
Minnesota Sioux Uprising
Mission Dolores
Mission San Francisco de Assisi
Mission Tejas
Mission Zuniga
Mitchell County, Texas Historical Markers
Mobeetie, Texas
Modoc War
Moffett, Jake
Monica Springs
Monroe Brothers
Montague, Cooke and Denton Counties, Raid Through
Montague County, Texas Historical Markers
Montague and Wise Counties, Big Raid Through Denton
Montague County Active Battle Map
Montague Counties, Big Raid into Cooke and
Montgomery County, Texas Historical Markers
Montgomery, John
Moore and His Men on the San Saba, Colonel John H.
Moore County, Texas Historical Markers
Moore, Hanna and Rose
Moore, Mr.
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. J.W.
Moore, Mrs. Wm.
Moore's Fort Blood Trail
Morris County, Texas Historical Markers
Morris, W.A.
Morrow, Bobby
Morrow's Brother, Wounding of James
Morton Skirmishes
Motheral Gap Fight
Motley County, Texas Historical Markers
Mount Rushmore
Mountain Meadows
Muchos Canyon
Muckleshoot Prairie
Mud Lake
Mud Springs
Mueller and Son, Ira; Spencer
Mulberry Creek
Mulberry Creek/Palo Duro
Mullahla's Station
Mullens and Fight of W.C. McAdams and Others, Murder of
Museum of the Plains Indians
Music Mountain
Mustang Water Hole
Myers, Frank


Nacogdoches, Battle of
Nacogdoches Community
Nacogdoches County, Texas Historical Markers
Natchitoches Community
Natural Mound
Navarro County, Texas Historical Markers
Neches, Battle of the
Neil Sr., Tom
Nesmith's Mills
New Mexico - Albuquerque
New Mexico - Chama Historical Markers
New Mexico - Eagle Nest Historical Markers
New Mexico - East Santa Fe Historical Markers
New Mexico - East Taos Historical Markers
New Mexico - Northcentral
New Mexico - Northcentral Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Northeast
New Mexico - Northeast Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Northern Albuquerque Historical Markers
New Mexico - Northwest
New Mexico - Northwest Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Southcentral Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Southeast Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Southeastern
New Mexico - Southern Albuquerque Historical Markers
New Mexico - Southwest Part of Northeastern Historical Markers
New Mexico - Southwestern
New Mexico - West Santa Fe Historical Markers
New Mexico - West Taos Historical Markers
New Ulm
Newhous and employee Martinas, Conrad
Newton County, Texas Historical Markers
Nichols, Rolland
Nix, Bill
Nixon, W.J.
Nocona's 1860 Raid
Nolan County, Texas Historical Markers
Norris, Thomas
Nortenos Attack San Saba Mission
North Concho River
North Fork of the Concho River
North Fork of the John Day River
North Fork of the Red River
North Fork of the Republican River
North Fork of the Solomon River
North Fork Town
North Peak
North Plains Battles
North Platte River
North Texas History
North West Company Fur Post
Northeast Arkansas Heritage Trail Map
Northwest Arkansas Heritage Trail Map
Nueces County, Texas Historical Markers
Nueces River
Nueces River, Headwaters of the
Nystel, Ole T.


O'Neill, Colonel John
O'Neill, John Raybourne
O'Neill, George Tackett and Spencer
Oak River
Oakley Community
Oatman Massacre
Observation Point
Ochiltree County, Texas Historical Markers
Ojo Caliente
Ojo del Muerto
Ojo del Oso
Oklahoma Historical Markers - Northeastern
Oklahoma Historical Markers - South Central
Oklahoma Historical Markers - Southeast
Oklahoma Historical Markers - Western
Old Camp Grant
Old Fort Camp Bowie
Old Spanish Fort
Oldham County, Texas Historical Markers
Onate Fights Escanjaques
Oraibi Expedition
Orange County, Texas Historical Markers
Osage Village
Osage Villages Attack
Osages Massacre Pawnees, 1830
Oska Horseback
Owen's Lake
Owyhee River
Ozona Community


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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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