
Battlesites and Massacres Table of Contents

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

A - C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - O | P - R | S - T | U - W | X - Z


Packsaddle Mountain Fight
Paint Creek Fight
Painted Rock
Paiute War
Palo Alto, Battle of
Palo Duro Canyon
Palo Pinto
Palo Pinto, Several Local Citizens Fight Savages Around
Palo Pinto County Active Battle Map
Palo Pinto County, Texas Historical Markers
Palo Pinto Drive
Palomas River
Panola County, Texas Historical Markers
Parker County Active Battle Map
Parker County, Texas Historical Markers
Parker's Fort
Parks Family
Parmer County, Texas Historical Markers
Parr, J.H.
Paschal and Kenon Families
Pass Creek
Pawnee Fork
Payne, Brazilla
Peacock, Hardy and Jack
Pease River, Battle of
Pecan Point
Pecos County, Texas Historical Markers
Pecos River
Pehl, Mathis
Peno Creek
Peobles, Ben
Pequot War
Percha Creek
Perkins, Press (Milt)
Perryman, Levi
Peter Conser House
Peters, Kelley & African
Peters, William M.
Peveler, State Cox and Will R.
Peveler Ranch Encounters
Phelps, Mr. & Mrs. Tom
Pickett and Dave Roberts Surprise Indians, Alex
Pinal Mountains and Expedition
Pinos Altos
Pioneer Cabin
Pioneer Memorial Museum
Pioneer Village Museum
Pistol River
Pit River Actions
Platte Bridge
Plum Creek, Battle of
Plum Creek Blood Trail
Plum Creek Massacre
Point of Rocks
Polk County, Texas Historical Markers
Pomo Campaign
Poncha Pass
Pond Creek Station
Pontiac's Rebellion
Poplar River
Popo Agie
Porter Family, Massacre of the
Possum Kingdom Drive
Post City Encounter
Post Oak Springs Massacre
Post Oak Stories
Potter County, Texas Historical Markers
Powder River Battle
Powder River/Reynolds's Fight
Presidio Community
Presidio County, Texas Historical Markers
Price, Newt
Prickett's Fort
Proffitt, Carrollton & Johnson
Pryor's Fork
Pueblo Colorado Expedition
Pueblo Mountain
Pulliam, Ben
Pumpkin Creek
Punished Woman's Fork
Putman, Calvin
Putman, Harve and Wm. S. Kidd
PX (Books)
PX (Movies)
Pyett, Mrs. Margaret
Pyramid Lake


Quitman Canyon


Rafferty, Captain W.A.
Ragle, Johnathan P.
Rains County, Texas Historical Markers
Randall County, Texas Historical Markers
Ranger Community
Ranger Markers at Walnut Springs Park
Reagan County, Texas Historical Markers
Real County, Texas Historical Markers
Reasoner, John
Reasoner's Residence, William
Red Buttes/Fort Dilts
Red Canyon
Red Fork of the Powder River
Red River
Red River County, Texas Historical Markers
Red River War
Red Rock Canyon
Red Willow Creek
Redfield, Marcus L. Dalton, James McAster and James
Redwood Creek/Whitney's Ranch
Reed, James
Reeves County, Texas Historical Markers
Reff and Walter Richarz, Joe
Refugio County, Texas Historical Markers
Relations with Reserve Indians
Renfro, Creath and Francis
Republican Fork
Resaca de la Palma, Battle of
Reynolds Ranch Attack
Rhome, Indian Raid Near the Present Town of
Richardson, Dr. John
Richardson, Mary and John
Richarz and Joe Reff, Walter
Richmond Community
Riley, Head (Lorenzo)
Riley, Henry
Riley Massacre
Rinconde Massacre
Rio Bonito
Rio Blanco Battle
Rio Corralitos
Rio Hondo
Rio Penasco
Ripley Massacre
Rippey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Rivers, Charlie E.
Roach and Others, Capt. (at the Mustang Water Hole)
Robbins, Dick
Robbins, Lt. Van
Robert Law Prairie
Robert's Fight
Roberts, Captain Alex (Buck)
Roberts and Alex Pickett Surprise Indians, Dave
Roberts County, Texas Historical Markers
Roberts Shoots Indian Chief, Dan
Robertson County, Texas Historical Markers
Robinson, Henry; Henry Adams
Robinson, Jr.; Henry
Rock Creek
Rockwall County, Texas Historical Markers
Rocky Creek Fight
Rode's Mexican, D.
Roessler's Escort, Professor
Rogers, Samuel
Rogue River Wars
Rolland, Jack and Henry
Roosevelt National Park, Theodore
Rose Hill
Rosebud Battle
Ross, Ed
Ross and son Ike, Alf
Roswell Community
Rothe, August
Round Timbers
Round Top Community
Round Valley
Rozel, G.B.
Rule Creek
Runnels County, Texas Historical Markers
Runnels, Phil
Rush Creek
Rush Springs
Rusk County, Texas Historical Markers
Russell Ranch
Russian River


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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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