
Battlesites and Massacres Table of Contents

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

A - C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - O | P - R | S - T | U - W | X - Z


Sabine County, Texas Historical Markers
Sabine Parish Community
Sacramento Mountains
Sage Creek Station
Saguache Creek
St. Joseph
Salado, Battle of the
Salt Creek Prairie
Salt Fork of the Brazos River
Salt Lakes
Salt Mountain Fight of 1857
Salt River
Sampson, Joe Allen and Bob
San Andres Mountains
San Andres Springs
San Angelo Community
San Augustin Pass
San Augustine County, Texas Historical Markers
San Carlos River
San Diego
San Felipe de Austin
San Gabriel Blood Trail
San Gabriel Depredation
San Jacinto Battle
San Jacinto County, Texas Historical Markers
San Mateo Mountains
San Patricio County, Texas Historical Markers
San Roque Creek
San Saba County Active Battle Map
San Saba County, Texas Historical Markers
San Saba Mission
San Saba River Raid
San Timoteo Canyon
Sand Hills
Sand Creek Massacre
Sanders, Julius
Sangre Canyon
Santa Fe, Snively and Mier Expeditions
Sapello Creek
Satanta, Satauk (Satank) and Big Tree Arrested
Satanta and Big Tree Trial
Satus Creek
Savage, Bolen and James
Savage's Fight
Scaggs, Benjamin Van Hook and Mosiac
Schleicher County, Texas Historical Markers
Schoolcraft and Others, Joe F.
Schriber, John
Schwankner and Son, Albert; Mrs. George
Scotts Bluff National Monument
Scurry County, Texas Historical Markers
Seay, Tipton
Second Cavalry
Seminole Wars
Sewell, James H.
Shackelford County Active Battle Map
Shackelford County, Texas Historical Markers
Shakehand Springs
Shawnee Town
Sheek, Wes; Marion Lasater & Others
Shelby County, Texas Historical Markers
Shelter Cove
Shephard and Wife, William
Sherman County, Texas Historical Markers
Sherman, Mrs. Martha
Sherman Receives Conclusive Information
Short, Josiah and John
Shoshone Falls
Shoshone Indian Ice Caves
Sierra Almagre
Sierra Bonita
Sierra del Burros
Sierra del Carmen
Sierra Tres Castillos
Signal Peak
Silver Creek
Silver River
Simms and Nephews: Clark and Grant, Captain Bartlett
Sixteenmile Creek
Skidi Pawnees, 1819, Comanches Massacre
Skidmore, Elijah
Skirmish Canyon
Skull Cave
Slaughter, George Webb
Slaughter, J.B.
Slim Butte, Battle of
Slipdown Mountain
Smith and Ruff, Ben
Smith County, Texas Historical Markers
Smith, Jack
Smith, Joe
Smith, Marion
Smith, Rube
Smith, Tullos B.
Smith Brothers
Smith River
Smith's Ranch
Smoky Hill Crossing
Smoky Hill Station
Snake Mountain
Snake River
Snively, Mier and Santa Fe Expeditions
Snow Lake
Socorro Community
Soldier Spring, Battle of
Solomon River, North Fork of the
Somervell County Active Battle Map
Somervell County, Texas Historical Markers
Sonora Community
South Fork of the Trinity River
South Loup (Southfork) River
South Mountain
Southeast Arkansas Heritage Trail Map
Southwest Arkansas Heritage Trail Map
Spaet, Lewis Ludwick
Spanish-Apache Battle Near San Antonio, 1731
Spanish-Apache Battle on San Saba, 1732
Spanish Attack Apaches on San Gabriel, 1723
Spanish Attack Comanches at Taos, 1761
Spanish Fork Canyon
Spanish Fort, Old
Spanish Incursion into Apache Country
Spear, Thomas
Spillers, Forrest
Spirit Lake, Iowa
Spirit Lake Massacre, Iowa
Spirit Lake Massacre, Minnesota
Spring Canyon
Spring Creek
Spring Creek
Standley and Miss Ann Whitney, Mr.
St. Ignatius Mission
St. Mary's Mission
Stanger's Fight
Star of the Republic Museum
Stark and Wife, Tom
Starr County, Texas Historical Markers
Starr, Samuel H. "Paddy" (Post at Jacksboro)
Steadham, Matt Brogdon and W.H.
Steen's Mountain
Stein's Peak
Stem, Jesse
Stephens County Active Battle Map
Stephens County, Texas Historical Markers
Steptoe's Fight/Tohotonimme Creek
Sterling County, Texas Historical Markers
Stillwater Blockhouse
Stockton in Stephens County, Savages Kill
Stohl, Herman
Stone Fort at Harper's Ferry
Stone Fort Museum
Stone Houses
Stone Ranch, Old
Stone Ranch
Stonewall County, Texas Historical Markers
Stony Lake
Stringfield Massacre
Stuhr Museum
Stump and Bailey, John
Sugarloaf Mountain
Summit Springs
Sumner Attacks Cheyennes, 1856
Sunset Pass
Superstition Mountains
Surprise Valley
Surveyor's Fight on Battle Creek
Sutter's Fort
Sutton County, Texas Historical Markers
Swisher, Captain J.M.
Swisher County, Texas Historical Markers
Sycamore Springs


Tackett, Mann Davis
Tackett, Spencer O'Neill and George
Tackett Fight
Tankersley, James Carmeans and James
Tarrant County Active Battle Map
Tarrant County, Texas Historical Markers
Tawakonis on Brazos, 1829, Cherokees Attack
Taylor, Frank
Taylor County Active Battle Map
Taylor County, Texas Historical Markers
Taylor Home
Tedford, Sam Binion and Lum
Tenth Cavalry Creek
Teres Mountains
Terrapin Neck Community, Indians Disturb Religious Services in the
Terrell County, Texas Historical Markers
Terry County, Texas Historical Markers
Terry, Mose; Abe Denton & John Dalton
Terry, W.R.
Terwaw Flats
Texas Brazos Trail Region
Texas Forest Trail Region
Texas Forts Trail Region
Texas Hill Country Region
Texas History Museum
Texas Independence Trail Region
Texas Indian Reservations
Texas Lakes Trail Brochure
Texas Lakes Trail Region
Texas Mountain Trail Region
Texas/New Mexico Forts
Texas Pecos Trail Region
Texas Plains Trail Region
Texas Rangers' Battle
Texas Soldiers in the Civil War Eastern Battlefields
Texas Tropical Trail Region
Thames, Battle of
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Thomas, George H.; (Rock of Chickamauga)
Thomas's Ranch
Thompkins, B.J.
Thompson, Lewis
Thornton, D.R.
Thornton, Savages Wound Dan
Thorpe, Jim
Three Years Among the Comanches - Capture
Three Years Among the Comanches - Torture
Three Years Among the Comanches - On the Trail
Three Years Among the Comanches - Escape
Throckmorton Community
Throckmorton County Active Battle Map
Throckmorton County, Texas Historical Markers
Tinaja de las Palmas
Tinnell, William
Titus County, Texas Historical Markers
Tobin Massacre
Todd and Alice, Mrs.
Tom Green County, Texas Historical Markers
Tom Mix Museum
Tongue River
Tongue River II
Tonto Basin Campaigns
Tonto Creek
Toppenish Creek
Totty, Capt. F.M.
Travis County Indian Encounters
Travis County, Texas Historical Markers
Trinity County, Texas Historical Markers
Truckee River
Tulelake Area Skirmishes
Tulley, Private
Tupper, Captain Tullius C.
Turkey Branch
Turkey Creek Fight of 1864
Turkey Leg's Raid
Turkey Springs
Turret Mountain
Tyler County, Texas Historical Markers


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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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