
William Youngblood

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is travel, and he seizes any opportunity to share his experiences in the most immersive way possible, whether at sea or on the land.

Parker County, Texas
Fondren Cemetery Historical Marker

Marker Title: Fondren Cemetery
Address: Fondren Cemetery Lane of US 180, via FM 113 and Authon Rd.
City: Fondren
Year Marker Erected: 1979
Marker Location: From Weatherford, take US 180 west about 11.5 miles, turn north on FM 113 about 5.6 miles north. Turn east onto Authon-Bethesda Road about 2 miles east and head south on Fondren Cemetery Lane, about .25 mile to cemetery on west side of road.
Marker Text: In 1854 William B. Fondren (1811-1863) and his wife Susannah (1816-1888) settled along nearby Dry Creek and the military road from Fort Worth to Fort Belknap. This family graveyard was established in the John W. Williams Survey, adjacent to Fondren's land. General Edward H. Tarrant, for whom Tarrant County was named, died at the Fondren home in 1858 and was buried here for a time. The first marked grave is that of Fondren's son-in-law William Youngblood whose headstone, like others in the cemetery, reads: "Killed by Indians, 1860." This pioneer burial ground served until 1937. (1979)

    Early one morning William Youngblood, who lived in the northwestern part of Parker County, was about one-half mile from his house making rails. The Indians slipped up and killed him. This fact soon became known to the family at the house. In a short time William Lowe and others were on the Indians' trail, which they followed to a point close to the Angy Price place in the northeastern part of Palo Pinto County. Here the Indians were found and a surprise attack intended. But one of the men was of an excitable nature, and had to hollow. This, of course, alarmed the Indians who broke and ran away. Since the savages, riding better horses, soon ran away from the citizens, about two miles farther the wild hordes of the plains appeared at the home of High Van Cleve, which was on East Keechi. Pleas Price, preparing to be married to Miss Bertha Parmer, was at Mr. Van Cleve's home at the time. Milton Lynn was there also. Their horses were saddled and tied near the fence. A race horse of Mr. Van Cleve's stood staked near the house. This animal, of course, particularly appealed to the Indians, but when the savages cut the rope to lead him away, the race horse ran into the stable and Mr. Van Cleve closed the door. A fight soon followed and in a short time the savages rode away. Lynn and Price whose horses were saddled, mounted their steeds and followed. In a short time an arrow lodged in the top of the back of Mr. Lynn's saddle, and had this instrument been one inch higher, he would have received a mortal wound.

    When the Indians passed the home of Isaac Lynn, several shots were exchanged there. From here the warriors rode on toward the Parmer ranch, which was five or six miles farther. Lynn and Price took a different route and beat the savages to the home of Mr. Price's sweetheart. In a short time Tobe Parmer, John Curry, Milton Lynn, and five or six others pursued the Indians and overtook them about seven miles south and west of Jacksboro. Tobe Parmer and one or two others, who were riding the fastest horses, reached the Indians first, and in a short time arrows and bullets were flying thick and fast. But when the remaining citizens arrived, the Indians started for the timber, which was about one hundred and fifty feet away. One warrior, no doubt, attempted to frighten the citizens by charging back. But when Tobe Parmer jumped from his horse, and fired, this savage dropped practically everything he had and started toward his companions. He appeared to be wounded. The whites then divided into squads for the purpose of locating the Indians. Tobe Parmer and Dan Richardson, were the first to find them, and when they fired, one Indian fell from his horse. Mr. Parmer was also soon on the ground to get the Indian's bow and quiver of arrows, etc. The savage who was not yet dead said, "No shoot, no shoot, Waco Waco." He meant, don't shoot me for I am a good Waco. But the savage was immediately killed, and it was soon discovered he had Wm. Youngblood's scalp in his possession.

    The dead Indian was leaned against a tree on the Palo Pinto and Jacksboro Road and here he remained for a long time. For if a savage once fell in the hands of an enemy, his companions ever afterward steered clear of him. Although Pleas Price badly tore his wedding clothes, in the timber, nevertheless, he was married that night. And Wm. Youngblood's scalp was returned before his funeral.

    Note: Personally interviewed Tobe Parmer who was in the fight. Also interviewed A.M. Lasater, James Wood, B.L. Ham, Joseph Fowler, Mrs. H.G. Taylor, W.A. Ribble and others who were living in Palo Pinto, Jack and adjoining counties at the time.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

The following second version is from the book, Indian Depredations in Texas, by J.W. Wilbarger.

William Youngblood story by Wilbarger

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Michael Trevis

Michael has a BA in History & American Studies and an MSc in American History from the University of Edinburgh. He comes from a proud military family and has spent most of his career as an educator in the Middle East and Asia. His passion is...

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